Facebook, the Modern Frankenstein Creature

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From The Propaganda Professor:

It seems nobody is very happy with Facebook these days. And heaven knows, there is plenty of reason for the disenchantment. The social media titan has become a contemporary Frankenstein story, a case of technology that began with benign intentions but morphed out of control and has become a destructive monster — or more like a massive army of destructive monsters. What was once a channel to keep people in touch with each other and facilitate the sharing of experiences and information has become a seedy and devastating conduit for disinformation that seriously threatens whatever is left of democracy.

The following meme, which has made the rounds repeatedly, is a good indication of the kind of malfeasance that takes place regularly on Facebook:

Have you ever known a Muslim to say they were “offended” by the American flag? Have you ever known a “liberal” to say such a thing? But the people who share this meme accept both propositions as indisputable fact; thus, the meme stirs up hatred toward two groups simultaneously — under the pretext of shoring up patriotism. And quite often, the false information passed along consists of more specific misrepresentations of fact — i.e., relating a phony incident in which some Muslim supposedly disrespected the flag. (Meanwhile, social media and regular media have ignored or glossed over the fact that an American sailor who died trying to stop the gunman at a navy base in Pensacola was himself a Muslim.)

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When Challenging Authority Is the Only Right Thing

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President Donald Trump

From Dr. Mark Bear at MadMikesAmerica:

All Is NOT Well When A Thug Occupies the Oval Office

So forgive me for pointing out how questionable it becomes when those of us who do not support the man’s POLICIES point out how this all began with him only for the conservatives in our respective networks to speak out on the commendable skills of the fire-putter-outer when he started the danged fire in the first place.

I am so tired of hearing from folks how I “need to “learn what it means to be an American,” or “that I need to support this President because our troop’s lives are – arguably so – at risk. I support our military. I support our country.

What I don’t support is the blatant hypocrisy which is appearing all over social media and brought to my doorstep via email or messenger.

I also do not like it when the current occupant of our Oval Office acts like a thug with world affairs telling Iraq, should they demand we leave, they will be paying, or worse, his Tweet sent out after those two missile strikes saying “All is Well,” when our troops are sitting in the line of fire.

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Facebook to Help Political Advertisers Lie

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Mark Zuckerberg

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

…letting advertisers lie to customers on Facebook is super-cool

Even Twitter, sewer firehose that it is, says that political ads designed to mislead have no place on their platform, and because Twitter claims that they do not have the resources to fact check everything, instead they are banning all political ads. Google has announced something similar; even Pinterest has a technical solution to make mis/disinformation impossible to find on their platform if it ever makes it on: they add it to their key words list to block and to make it unsearchable. D’uh!

“Suckers,” Faceberg didn’t say.

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But It Changed Nothing

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From driftglass:

It Has Been a Decade Since Russell King Posted His Open Letter to Conservative Americans

If you’ve haunted these precincts for awhile, you may remember Russell King’s “America Dad” post. It was herculean labor, packing a payload of links and proofs that should have been sufficient to blast the Right in half and sink it to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Everyone linked to it. Everyone sent to along to everyone they knew. It went so viral that it overwhelmed the server where it was stored and was eventually it was mirrored on other sites to help share the traffic load. Here is one such that’s still up and running:

Russell King’s ‘Open Letter to Conservative Americans’

All the clowns were accurately named and shamed. All the sin and treason and impregnable ignorance and suffocating hypocrisy of the Right (which we had all been writing about piecemeal for years) were gathered together, sorted out and nailed to the nation’s cathedral door is exquisite, irrefutable detail

To this day I still go back to it and admire it as the Bayeux Tapestry of take-downs of Conservatives and their Republican party,

But here’s the thing.

It didn’t alter the trajectory of the GOP one iota. And it did not move the needle on the pathological Both Siderism of the American political press one scintilla.

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Many Things Can Be True at Once

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Chris Cillizza

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Soleimani was a murderer, because he caused a lot of people to be killed. The strike that killed Soleimani was an assassination because it specifically targeted him, and we are not in a declared war with Iran. He was, also, quite factually, a high-ranking government official in Iran. That’s the problem. That would be an entire predicate for Iran to treat the strike (an assassination or killing of a high-ranking government official whose job was to arrange for others to die) as an act of war, None of these things are contradictory to the other things and all are actually true.

We really need to take a moment to let the media (as in, Chris Cillizza) know that maybe, just maybe, we are not going to play by 2016 rules and let stories fly that try to depict a candidate as having contradicted herself when she just happened to make separate factual statements that don’t conflict one another at all.

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Nightmare at the Museum

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From nojo:

“If you’re old,” the tweet requested Thursday night, “please attach a link to your 2003 take on the invasion of Iraq to your 2020 take on Iran.”

We are old, but we wouldn’t be blogging for another five years, so we have no links to offer.

But we remember.

We remember the run-up, desperately seeking sources — mainly printed — that would see the situation clearly, not feeling rushed by the incessant we must invade now chants being issued by our nation’s illegitimate leadership.

We remember the futility of opposition, our liberal leaders running scared that they wouldn’t be seen as sufficiently willing to beat the shit out of anyone arbitrarily designated our enemy.

We remember the hubris, the certainty that we had but to snap our fingers — and drop a ton of bombs — to bend the world to our will.

We remember the night the bombs dropped, thinking don’t fuck this up.

And we remember the museum.

The bombs dropped March 15, 2003. Combat was declared over — MISSION ACCOMPLISHED — five weeks later, on May 1.

The Iraq National Museum was looted April 10.

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Report: Everything Slightly Worse Than Yesterday

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Worse Than You Can Imagine

From The Onion:

“While there are by no means any drastic changes for the worse in any given 24-hour period, we have observed a measurable and steady decline in each passing day,” the report read in part, specifically noting gradual but perceptible declines in personal wealth, food quality, the overall love shared by humanity, and the warmth of sunlight.

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Short Change Hero by The Heavy

Music I happen to like
– Aria


I dunno why I have liked this ever since. I didn’t even hear it for three years after it was out. Comes from an English band, kind of off the wall.

Kelvin Swaby is the lead. He wrote the song. Mostly it comes from punk violence in London. A family member got in seriously deep. Tragic upheaval.

The theme is about being the biggest baddest winner who has to end up a loser, because that kind of reckless violence is a losing game. That’s my interpretation.

Kind of a cowboy theme with a heavy beat. Big bad guy gets beaten in the end. Town folk won’t take him forever so he has to go.

Want to see the words?
Continue reading “Short Change Hero by The Heavy

Fox News Hits Record Ratings of Only 0.8% of American Viewers in 2019

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Fox News

From News Corpse:

If there’s one thing we can learn from 2019 it’s that hostile, melodramatic lies can boost the profits of a flagrantly biased organ of propaganda like Fox News. The right-wing network abandoned all pretense of journalistic integrity (what little it had) in order to sign on to the Donald Trump White House’s perverse distortions of reality.

The reward for Fox News was the undying devotion of an audience of willfully blind cult followers who agreed to believe only what they saw on Fox and heard from Dear Leader Trump. And their loyalty helped propel Fox News to the number one cable news network for the year.

Fox News – and their number one viewer, Donald Trump – surely celebrated this achievement. But as the year comes to a close it’s important to place this statistic in perspective. The numbers that produced this “victory” represent about 2.5 million viewers per night, or about 0.8% of the television audience on the United States.

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A Conservative Predicts 2020

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James Wigderson

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

President Donald Trump will be the first president to be impeached twice. Republicans will not have a Col. Nicholson moment and Trump will be acquitted by the U.S. Senate both times.

Democrats could win the White House with a promise to “return to normalcy.” Since that won’t happen, Trump will win Wisconsin in November. Democrats will blame Canada.

Bernie Sanders will win the Wisconsin Democratic Presidential Primary. Joe Biden will win the nomination when the delegates gather in Milwaukee.

Protesters at the Democratic National Convention will smash windows along Old World Third Street, Water Street and around Cathedral Square. Paul Krugman will explain in a column how this will contribute to economic growth.

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