But It Changed Nothing

found online by Raymond

From driftglass:

It Has Been a Decade Since Russell King Posted His Open Letter to Conservative Americans

If you’ve haunted these precincts for awhile, you may remember Russell King’s “America Dad” post. It was herculean labor, packing a payload of links and proofs that should have been sufficient to blast the Right in half and sink it to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Everyone linked to it. Everyone sent to along to everyone they knew. It went so viral that it overwhelmed the server where it was stored and was eventually it was mirrored on other sites to help share the traffic load. Here is one such that’s still up and running:

Russell King’s ‘Open Letter to Conservative Americans’

All the clowns were accurately named and shamed. All the sin and treason and impregnable ignorance and suffocating hypocrisy of the Right (which we had all been writing about piecemeal for years) were gathered together, sorted out and nailed to the nation’s cathedral door is exquisite, irrefutable detail

To this day I still go back to it and admire it as the Bayeux Tapestry of take-downs of Conservatives and their Republican party,

But here’s the thing.

It didn’t alter the trajectory of the GOP one iota. And it did not move the needle on the pathological Both Siderism of the American political press one scintilla.

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