When Challenging Authority Is the Only Right Thing

found online by Raymond


President Donald Trump

From Dr. Mark Bear at MadMikesAmerica:

All Is NOT Well When A Thug Occupies the Oval Office

So forgive me for pointing out how questionable it becomes when those of us who do not support the man’s POLICIES point out how this all began with him only for the conservatives in our respective networks to speak out on the commendable skills of the fire-putter-outer when he started the danged fire in the first place.

I am so tired of hearing from folks how I “need to “learn what it means to be an American,” or “that I need to support this President because our troop’s lives are – arguably so – at risk. I support our military. I support our country.

What I don’t support is the blatant hypocrisy which is appearing all over social media and brought to my doorstep via email or messenger.

I also do not like it when the current occupant of our Oval Office acts like a thug with world affairs telling Iraq, should they demand we leave, they will be paying, or worse, his Tweet sent out after those two missile strikes saying “All is Well,” when our troops are sitting in the line of fire.

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