Anti Health Care GOPer Brags He Risked Own Child’s Health

found online by Raymond

From Tommy Christopher:

If he had been “more seriously injured?” One wonders what, in Huizenga’s mind, would constitute a “serious” injury, if a broken arm does not qualify as such.

And beyond that appalling calculation, his argument is simply laughable on its face, for many reasons. Patients are not required to know the difference between x-rays and MRIs — that is what doctors are for. Patients also are not supposed to decide what treatment is appropriate for a medical condition based on cost; they are supposed to be able to leave those decisions to doctors who will make assessments based on need and efficacy.

And there is also the fact that delaying treatment for a serious medical condition that any reasonable person would recognize as needing professional medical attention is what the US government’s Office on Child Abuse and Neglect calls “Medical Neglect.”

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