G-G-Guilty and More

Trying to figure out how to avoid violating a confidential discussion.

I am back from the assault case.
The possible trial, more likely guilty plea, has been put off.

I did meet with the defendant, a confused, troubled, apologetic teenager.

I am invited to participate in future proceedings by video.
The state is offering to pick up medical expenses not covered by insurance.

Now back to points of interest:

  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged covers Memorial Day, devoted to the ultimate sacrifice too often made by those in the armed forces. Of course, mr Trump and Trump the Lessor both write in solemn memory of themselves.
  • In Letters from an American, historian Heather Cox Richardson includes the contrasting Memorial Day messages. President Biden dedicates his to the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces to preserve the freedoms presumably guaranteed by our Constitution. mr Trump dedicates his message to the evils of all who oppose him.
    Key inescapable observation:
    The message behind this extraordinary post was twofold: Trump can think of nothing but himself…and he appears to be terrified.
    The same analysis is now available in audio format, as Richardson narrates in podcast.
  • @whiskeywhistle98 contemplates thirty four verdicts:
  • Max’s Dad reviews the verdicts, the uninformed reactions, and what pundits and newscasters already knew about the jury.
    Key spoiler:
    …the only thing you can conclude is nobody knows nuthin about juries.

One thought on “G-G-Guilty and More”

  1. Welcome back! Frustrating that the trial was apparently postponed, but that’s good news that the state is offering to cover some of your medical expenses.

    Joel Webbon is a compendium of everything the Constitution was designed to keep out of our governing institutions. He’s also a good example of why we need women to have the vote. Women seem less susceptible to that kind of barbarian rhetoric.

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