Revenge, Excuses, Hello Dolly, Willie Mays, Bump Ban Bumped, Juneteenth

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Gaza, Fired Ceasefire, Ukraine, Biden, Trump, Cognitive, Electric Sharks

  • I was skeptical about whether Netanyahu could ever pull this off, but Ted McLaughlin has the polling data.
    Amazingly, the American public has turned way against Israel’s military actions in Gaza.
  • Scotties Playtime is often enlightening, but sometimes misses the target. Comes from being human, I suppose.
    Scottie suggests that there actually was no ceasefire between Israel and Hamas (huh?) on October 6, the day before the horrific Hamas Oct 7 attack.
    This is counter to what is generally understood and widely accepted.
    To support this startling new fact, Scottie offers a 19 minute video by Owen Jones, a British left-wing notable.
    It is 19 minutes that I will never get back.
    Owen goes to the British Balfour Declaration over a hundred years ago, listing every allegation of Israeli brutality since then that can fit in those 19 minutes. I may have missed the reasoning the Scottie and Jones say negates generally recognized history: that Hamas broke an accepted cease-fire by executing and videotaping and boasting about the execution of music celebrants.
    The central thrust of the Jones narrative seems to be that Israel is so awful, and always has been, that there cannot have been a ceasefire.
    That’s it. Nothing else.
    The logic is that Israel was, and remains, evil.
    Has been since 1917, 31 years before Israel actually existed.
    So there could not have been a ceasefire.
    And while what Hamas did on October 7 is not to be condoned, might even be regrettable, they broke no agreement.
    It’s all a Zionist trick.
    As far as I know, my thought still holds:
  • In Hackwhackers, President Biden generates international backing as G‑7 nations and NATO join US patriots in supporting Ukraine resistance to Putin aggression.
  • Conservative notable Bret Stephens does not exactly want the US to reduce all our adversaries, most immediately Palestinians in Gaza, to embers glowing in the dark. But, as driftglass notes, he comes close. To further his military dreams, he now wants Biden to drop his campaign for reelection and retire when his current term ends.
    driftglass goes all analytical, performing vivisection on Bret’s proposal, and on Bret himself.
  • In The Borowitz Report Marjorie Taylor Greene warns that windmills will drive up the cost of wind.
    Key accusation:
    Joe Biden is coming for your wind!
  • At The Moderate Voice Kathy Gill explains how the cognitive ability of any President depends, not on memory for names and details, but on which of two ways the Oval Office resident makes decisions.
  • M. Bouffant at Web of Evil waxes poetic as mr Trump waves at his imagination.

Continue reading “Gaza, Fired Ceasefire, Ukraine, Biden, Trump, Cognitive, Electric Sharks”

D-Day, Convict Felon, Bannon Booked, Hunter Hunted, Witness Tampering

[Many thanks to two powerhouse sites,
Mock Paper Scissors
for linking here]

Magnificent hidden talent!

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G-G-Guilty and More

Trying to figure out how to avoid violating a confidential discussion.

I am back from the assault case.
The possible trial, more likely guilty plea, has been put off.

I did meet with the defendant, a confused, troubled, apologetic teenager.

I am invited to participate in future proceedings by video.
The state is offering to pick up medical expenses not covered by insurance.

Now back to points of interest:

  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged covers Memorial Day, devoted to the ultimate sacrifice too often made by those in the armed forces. Of course, mr Trump and Trump the Lessor both write in solemn memory of themselves.
  • In Letters from an American, historian Heather Cox Richardson includes the contrasting Memorial Day messages. President Biden dedicates his to the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces to preserve the freedoms presumably guaranteed by our Constitution. mr Trump dedicates his message to the evils of all who oppose him.
    Key inescapable observation:
    The message behind this extraordinary post was twofold: Trump can think of nothing but himself…and he appears to be terrified.
    The same analysis is now available in audio format, as Richardson narrates in podcast.
  • @whiskeywhistle98 contemplates thirty four verdicts:
  • Max’s Dad reviews the verdicts, the uninformed reactions, and what pundits and newscasters already knew about the jury.
    Key spoiler:
    …the only thing you can conclude is nobody knows nuthin about juries.

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