Trump Prepares Snarls for Biden as President‑Elect Biden Simply Prepares

found online by Raymond


Trump leaves last minute tangles for Biden     [Image from CNN]

From The Moderate Voice:

According to the report, here are a few of the 26 changes Trump will shove through:

  • Allowing executions by firing squad and electrocutions for federal executions.
  • Making it easier to pollute by “finalizing several rules that would make it harder to justify pollution restrictions or lock in soot levels for at least five years.”
  • More restrictions on immigration that’ll make it harder for Biden to reverse.
  • Stepping up moves to open more federal lands to gas and oil development.

Meanwhile, the tone, style and priorities of the Biden administration are quickly emerging and it’s going to be the anti-Trump administration — an administration much like the bulk of Presidential administrations. CNN:

Joe Biden has already kept his first promise — his approach to the presidency will be a top-to-bottom repudiation of the behavior, policies and obsessions of President Donald Trump.

The President-elect is building his administration on old-fashioned notions that facts matter, that commanders-in-chief must project stability, that Cabinet officials need experience and expertise, that a fractured nation is governable and that the world wants the US to lead.

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