Bruce, If Christianity Doesn’t Matter, Why Do You Bother With It?

found online by Raymond


Mehdi Hasan, a Shia Muslim, debates evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins at the Oxford Union     [Image from Al Jazeera]

From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

Bruce, if Christianity doesn’t matter, why do you bother with it?

Good question.

On one hand, Christianity doesn’t matter. The Bible doesn’t matter. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God, the Church, none of it matters.

If Christians want to worship their God, I have no objection. I subscribe to the “live and let live” school of thought. Each to his own. May Jesus be with you. May the force be with you. May nothing be with you. I don’t care.

However . . .

I do care about the influence Evangelical (and conservative Catholic) Christianity has on our culture and government. I do care about the damage done to society in the name of the Christian God. I do care when people are hurt, maimed, and killed in the name of the Christian God.

When Christians want to turn the United States into a theocracy . . . it matters.

When Christians want their religion to have preference over any and all others . . . it matters.

When Christians demand atheists and agnostics be treated as the spawn of Satan . . . it matters.

When Christians attempt to teach religious dogma as scientific fact in public schools . . . it matters.

When Christians attempt to force their religious moral code on everyone . . . it matters.

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