‘Hiding’ Since ‘Embarrassing’ Election Defeat: ‘Where’s the President Been?’

found online by Raymond


Trump spotted after motorcade met with cheers, jeers, boos     [Image from Bloomberg Quicktake]

From Tommy Christopher:

On Wednesday morning’s edition of CNN’s New Day, Berman and Camerota noted that Trump has not appeared in public since major news outlets declared Biden the winner.

Berman, over a graphic that read “President Trump in Hiding After Election Defeat,” began by praising President-elect Biden’s handling of Trump’s refusal to concede.

“It really is notable how the president-elect has chosen to behave, how he chose to address this yesterday, because there is genuine concern, even alarm, among a lot of people about how the president is reacting, so his behavior is notable,” Berman said.

“The other thing that’s notable, and I just don’t think we can push this aside: Where has the president been?” Berman continued. “It’s been since Thursday that we’ve seen his face. So he is in some sort of hiding.”

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