Attention Deprivation

found online by Raymond


Crowds across the nation celebrate Biden election     [Image from Scranton Times-Tribune]

From nojo:

“It ain’t real on the ground,” we had told a friend on Friday after the respected website Decision Desk HQ called the race, “until it hits the airwaves.”


The moment was operatic, out of The Godfather, the networks simultaneously settling all family business, the sheer finality of it all.

And a moment later, the videos started flooding in.

People were taking to the streets. Americans were taking their joy to the streets. Shouting. Cheering. Singing. Dancing. We haven’t just been on lockdown eight months, we’ve been locked down four years, and we were finally letting freedom ring.

And in that moment, Joe Biden became Mr. President-Elect.

The final image of Donald Trump’s tyrannical reign may be Four Seasons Total Landscaping, next door to Fantasy Island Adult Books, but the final moment will always be when Americans moved on, when, for all the power he would still hold for another ten weeks, our collective attention shifted to somebody else.

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