Coronavirus, Trump, Collins, GOP, Bailed, Dobbs, Corruption, Cats

Susan Collins and Pandemic Preparation

Personal note: I have begun investing time in physical therapy after a spectacular expressway accident. Seems the human body is not properly constructed for hanging from a seat belt while traveling upside down on the freeway. My thanks to the passersby who extracted me.

9 thoughts on “Coronavirus, Trump, Collins, GOP, Bailed, Dobbs, Corruption, Cats”

  1. John Pavlovitz’s version of how Trump might answer was thoughtful and uplifting … but there were way, way too many words! Plus it was missing verbal pats on the back for such a good job he’s doing. 😛

    Sorry to hear about the accident … hope several hours/days/months of physical therapy is the worst of the after-effects.

    1. John Pavlovitz is often thoughtful and uplifting. And you do anticipate a couple of the reasons my president would not be likely to give it.

      About the accident, thank you for your kind wishes.
      I’ve been thinking of dialogue from a movie I saw decades ago:
      There’s something about agony that flat out ticks me off!

  2. This Hateful, Disgusting Liberal/Progressive blogger has been saying outrageous things since day one! She was that way with George Bush, and even worse with our current President Donald Trump. She is a hateful, insulting, obnoxious, name-calling, bigoted, lair and shouldn’t even be given the time and space that she is given here.
    Every time one of these Progressive lunatics decides to discredit us we have to, WE MUST answer back in kind. We must not allow them to say these lies about us and what we stand for.
    It’s time for those Obamanacs and his followers to quit the blame game and making excuses for their “Magic Negro.” and his Grubbing wife to be exposed for the Phony . Our children and their generation deserves no less.
    Obama’s lies help explain why only 20 percent of Americans trusted him at the end of Obama’s reign. And as for his Grubbing wife, she was even worse, she never saw a free trip, or vacation that she didn’t grab.

    1. Gosh Charlie, you seem upset. You forgot to specify to which link you are referring.

      If you are attacking me, I’ll correct your gender identification. I am male. Other than that, I’ll just say I try to avoid such excellent judges of character.

      You do make clear you do not like our former President. You do not say why, aside from your reference to him as a “Magic Negro.” If, as you imply, that is your sole reason, it does conform to the popular conception about much anti-Obama conservatism.

      Thank you for your comment.

      1. I got that exact same comment on my blog (word-for-word), twice. Of course I deleted it in comment moderation. He’s not responding to any specific thing you posted. It’s just some troll who’s leaving the same cut-and-paste comment all over the place.

        Glad you’re back blogging.

        1. Thank you, Infidel.

          And thank you for the troll information.
          Still, I enjoyed the illusion of squashing a maleficent fool.

  3. Dang, Burr! Sounds like maybe you don’t want to entertain the idea of a NASCAR career after all. I am glad that you are okay and on the mend, my friend. Hopefully nothing was broken that cannot heal quickly, other than your politics, of course. That, I am afraid, is irrevocably beyond healing and redemption! 😉

    1. Quite true, Tyrell.
      I haven’t yet been tempted to the dark side.

      Thank you for your kind words and your career guidance.
      Does remind me of an incident several administrations ago.

      Conservative Republican Barry Goldwater took a photo of liberal Democratic President John F. Kennedy.
      He sent it with a request for an autograph from his rival and friend.

      Kennedy signed the photograph with this note:
      “For Barry Goldwater – Whom I urge to follow the career for which he has shown such talent — photography!”

      So, my friend:
      Have you thought of taking up photography?

  4. I am only a fair photographer, my friend. I am a far better student of history, current events, and economics. It is because of this that I can confidently say that you ARE on the dark side, Darth Burr! 🙂

    That said, I can feel the goodness inside you. Let go of your anger and walk into the light! 🙂

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