Pandemic Good & Bad News

found online by Raymond


Party On

From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

And of course, Axios’s email thingie gives us the bad news:

Younger adults make up a big portion of coronavirus hospitalizations in the U.S., the N.Y. Times’ Pam Belluck writes from CDC data released yesterday:

  • 38% of patients who were hospitalized were ages 20 to 54.
  • Nearly half of the 121 patients admitted to ICUs were adults under 65.
  • The risk of dying was significantly higher in older people.

So those drunk kids on Spring Break? Yeah.

(New Yorker $) But their parents, too:

“I’m going to kill them before covid does.”

Anecdotally, I would say that it’s true here in COVID-19 Ground Zero (Seattle). The people that are breaking the Social Distancing protocols are the Yutes and the Olds. The callous Yutes are hanging out TOGETHER and still having parties (see above) and the Olds act offended when you refuse to be touched or move out of the way. As always it’s the Xers who continue to be invisible, but be responsible.

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