Confessions of a Proud Beta Male

found online by Raymond

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

A Trump supporter just called me a “Beta Male.”

I was on social media, expressing my respect for survivors of sexual assault, in the wake of the President’s vile and reprehensible public ridiculing of Christine Blasey Ford—and he dropped (based on his commentary following) what he thought was some leg sweep, knockout punch, mic drop, designed to leave me in a quivering mass on the floor.

Apparently I was supposed to be insulted.
I wasn’t it.
I felt complimented.
I felt validated.
I realized I’m on the right track.

“Beta Male,” seems to be a Trump fan’s word for a man with decency, self-control, and compassion; someone a woman wouldn’t need to fear being around when alone or vulnerable.

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3 thoughts on “Confessions of a Proud Beta Male”

  1. They have all sorts of terms for men who behave like decent human beings: white knight, cuck, SJW, virtue signaler, etc. Many even claim that “beta males” are only decent for self-serving reasons, such as a desire for sex from the women they defend. They do this because their own motivations are self-serving and they cannot imagine that we are not all as they are. They publicly denigrate goodness and promote evil, yet, lacking self-awareness, still see themselves as heroes.

    I have read many opinions suggesting that this is just a part of the death throes of a subculture and mindset past its time. I am not yet convinced that that is true, but it cannot come soon enough. These people are not worthy of sharing civilization with us.

  2. As a proud beta male, I strive to be the best man I can. Constantly standing up for women in the comments section on twitter. I feel that they need someone to stand up for them. I continuously get called a whitenight and a simp from alphas and I think its time to turn the tables. We need an uprising. Alphas are not proud like myself. I have come to accept who I am unlike the alphas. We must overthrow them and their past sentiments.

    A truly proud beta male.

  3. Only authoritarian personalities obsess on being “alpha males”. And most of them are mindless authoritarian followers, marching lockstep with their leaders like Trump and Putin.
    How “beta” of them.

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