Trump Joins Long List in GOP Who Threatened Judges

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From Jon Perr at PERRspectives:

But if Donald Trump’s temper tantrum was completely predictable, so too were the milquetoast responses from the GOP’s best and brightest. Vice President Mike Pence rejected the idea that POTUS has put the separation of powers at risk, feebly remarking, “I think the American people are very accustomed to this president speaking his mind, and speaking very straight with them.” As for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who last year could muster only “I’m willing to say that Donald Trump is a different kind of candidate” during the Curiel outrage, offered only platitudes Sunday, such as “it is best not to single out judges.”

Of course, there’s no mystery for the Republican refusal to condemn Trump’s not-so-thinly veiled threats toward Judge Robart. As it turns out, judicial intimidation has been a time-tested Republican political tactic for years.

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Kellyanne Conway Demands Press Respect Trump More

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From Last Of The Millenniums:

Kellyanne Conway –

“And let me just say it has to go both ways. I mean. I do, Jake. I sincerely don’t see a lot of difference in coverage from when he was a candidate, and when he became the Republican nominee, the president-elect, and indeed, the president. Some outlets, some people are covering him the same way, and it doesn’t have a great deal of respect for the Office of the President, and its current occupant.”(1)

Really? He’s not getting respect?

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Donald Trump Finds the First Khrushchev Letter

In the crime drama film, Traffic, James Brolin, playing General Ralph Landry, tells a story:

You know, when Khrushchev was forced out, he sat down and he wrote two letters and gave them to his successor. He said – “When you get yourself into a situation you can’t get out of, open the first letter, and you’ll be safe. And when you get yourself into another situation you can’t get out of, open the second letter”.

Well, soon enough, this guy found himself in a tight place, so he opened the first letter, which said, “Blame everything on me.” So he blamed the old man, and it worked like a charm.

When he got himself into a second situation he couldn’t get out of, and he opened the second letter, it said – “Sit down, and write two letters.”

The story has been floating around for decades, in one form or another. Some versions had corporate executives writing to their successors, others involved dictatorial heads of state. Mark Shields poked fun at one variation a quarter century ago that had Joseph Stalin writing letters for Khrushchev.

It does seem fanciful, doesn’t it? Corporate leaders are unlikely to pass on advice to those who forced them into retirement. Khrushchev could not have had much love for Brezhnev, after Brezhnev helped engineer his ouster. Stalin passed the baton to Khrushchev by dying. Hard to pass on advice from a Soviet grave.

It seems obvious the tale is meant as a wry sort of satiric joke, one that carries a cynical lesson. It apparently has not been obvious to everyone. Enough people believed the story, in any of its myriad forms, to compel, the mythbusters of the internet, to assure readers that, no, the tale is not truth, except perhaps as allegory.

We have found many such true believers involving themselves in even the wildest of urban legends. There has always been a home among those on the fringe for the story too good to let mere truth interfere. In recent years, and most especially in the 2016 election, tall tales have found a firmer niche in the minds of the gullible. The yearning to believe what some folks wish to be true is now simply called fake news.

I was thinking of fake news after real, actual, horrible news of a botched military raid came to us from Yemen. A Navy Seal was killed, dozens of civilians were killed, a child was among the dead, and a multi-million dollar aircraft with highly developed vertical takeoff and landing capabilities was abandoned and had to be demolished.

The administration insisted that the operation was a success. By any measure it was not.

Video was released proving that, despite the high cost in blood and death, computers and records containing valuable information had been captured, providing details of planned terrorist attacks.

This is how Presidential Press Secretary Sean Spicer put it:

An unbelievable amount of intelligence that will prevent the potential death or attacks on American soil.

That story was false. The video was phony, borrowed from previous actions taken years ago.

Details quickly dribbled out.

U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.

Reuters News Service

President Trump notoriously does not pay attention to the President’s Daily Brief. He says he finds them repetitive. In this case, he got a brief refresher of the daily summary from his son-in-law while eating dinner. He authorized the raid based on what his son-in-law told him as he enjoyed his meal.

Administration sources later insisted that the operation had been previously authorized by President Obama, postponed only until the first moonless night, which happened to be after President Trump took over.

Presidential Press Secretary Sean Spicer:

The conclusion was at that time to hold for what they called a moonless night which, by calendar, wouldn’t occur until then President-elect Trump was President Trump.

That also turned out to be false. Military sources had requested an expansion in the US role. They wanted boots on the ground beyond the advisory role that had been authorized by the Obama administration. President Obama authorized the gathering of information into a presentation to be given to the next President.

The military raid was never presented to any member of President Obama’s cabinet, to any cabinet assistant, to anyone on the National Security Council, or to President Obama himself.

Every President develops his own style. President Obama expanded even on the exacting care exercised by his predecessors. He asked penetrating questions, demanded risk assessments, wanted to know the estimated chances of things going wrong, the chances of targets being where they were thought to be, the chances of American casualties, the likelihood of innocent bystanders being caught in the line of fire.

In some cases he went alone to consider the assessments, the information, the dangers, before returning to give his decision.

He was no stranger to the situation room. He and his staff monitored the progress of military raids by video as events unfolded.

President Trump has a different style.

Journalist Tommy Christopher looked through the public record and examined the timeline of the Yemen operation. As Navy Seals came under fire, as an American combat hero died, as a highly developed aircraft was lost, as bystanders and children were killed, Donald Trump was in the Presidential private residence.

He was tweeting on the internet, complaining about news stories,

and criticizing Republican Senators who failed to support him on his immigration ban

In this case, the fake news about great military success, valuable terrorist computer records, and previous authorization all came from the White House.

The President couldn’t be bothered with trivial details, he was too busy to see the results himself. He was engaged in more important duties:

He was hunched over his little cellphone, sending out into the ether his internet rage about disloyal reporters and Senators.

In the aftermath, as word of disaster came in, he was ready with a tall tale about President Obama authorizing a plan he had never seen.

When you get yourself into a situation you can’t get out of, open the first letter, and you’ll be safe.

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Melanesian Nose-Flutes – Did They Ever Exist?

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

Reports about the existence of nose flutes in Melanesia may have been greatly exaggerated. According to Univ.-Doz. Dr. Raymond Ammann of the Institutes für Musikwissenschaft, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Department of Music, University of Innsbruck) who writes :

“[…] references to the existence of nose flutes in Melanesia are often based on unacknowledged references to earlier publications or on hearsay. The earliest references are the most suspect, especially because none of the authors states that he heard and saw the flute being played for more than just a few notes. From the many references on nose flutes in Melanesia, only a few seem to be of substance, especially those from Manus, but even there, the references are not unequivocal.”

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The Left’s Insatiable Lust to Soak American Business

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

An NJ.Com article GIVING GREED A HAND by Rutgers University’s Linda Stamato with the sub-heading “America’s tax policies lets corporations skirt their civic obligations, leaving us with a bigger bill to maintain society” gives you a pretty good idea of the political leanings of the author. The essence of Stamato’s article, which appeared in the 4/15/16 New Jersey Star-Ledger, is that business corporations exist only to pay taxes for the sake of “society,” have no right to exist for their own sake, and that no level of taxes is ever enough.

Even if there were no corporate income tax, corporations would still be responsible for virtually all taxes collected by the government; taxes paid by employees of the company and its suppliers, on sales of their products, on property owned by employees, on individuals working in public jobs supported by taxes, by the business’s owners (investors and shareholders) etc. Government gets its tax revenue from productive citizens, and business is the institution that organizes production. Corporate taxes are nothing more than government double-dipping on productive individual citizens. No business corporations, no production above a hand-to-mouth existence—and very little tax revenue. Even before paying a single dollar in tax revenue, successful businesses give by far more to society than any other segment of society, including public universities like Stamato’s Rutgers, which wouldn’t exist without taxes. Stamato owes her job to business corporations, and all they get for their taxes is smears.

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WH List of “Attakers” Disproves Trump Claim

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

The weird thing about the way that President Trump lies is that he lies about things that are easily disprovable. Take the thing he said at MacDill AFB just yesterday about the press not even reporting about terrorist attacks. I’m pretty sure the WH list subsequently generated was Googled and compiled with…press stories. Also, in the slap-dash hurry to make the President seem like not to much of a dissembler, the list used “attaker” for “attacker” numerous times, just to seem even more inept.

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It’s Time We Stopped Calling Donald Trump a Christian

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From John Pavlovitz:

Enough is enough.

Even in the early days of the Presidential campaign it was a ludicrous idea: that Donald Trump was now a Christian; that he’d miraculously “found Jesus” right at the time he needed to pull in millions of Evangelical voters. Never mind that his life showed an open contempt for most of the things the Jesus of the Gospels lived and preached: humility, generosity, respect, empathy, kindness, peace.

The high profile-evangelists in his corner assured their rightly alarmed flocks, that behind the scenes Donnie was changed man, a “baby Christian” who’d now seen the light and was making his way down the narrow road of faith to lead us all to the Promised Land (where curiously America was first and everyone was white.)

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