The Left’s Insatiable Lust to Soak American Business

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

An NJ.Com article GIVING GREED A HAND by Rutgers University’s Linda Stamato with the sub-heading “America’s tax policies lets corporations skirt their civic obligations, leaving us with a bigger bill to maintain society” gives you a pretty good idea of the political leanings of the author. The essence of Stamato’s article, which appeared in the 4/15/16 New Jersey Star-Ledger, is that business corporations exist only to pay taxes for the sake of “society,” have no right to exist for their own sake, and that no level of taxes is ever enough.

Even if there were no corporate income tax, corporations would still be responsible for virtually all taxes collected by the government; taxes paid by employees of the company and its suppliers, on sales of their products, on property owned by employees, on individuals working in public jobs supported by taxes, by the business’s owners (investors and shareholders) etc. Government gets its tax revenue from productive citizens, and business is the institution that organizes production. Corporate taxes are nothing more than government double-dipping on productive individual citizens. No business corporations, no production above a hand-to-mouth existence—and very little tax revenue. Even before paying a single dollar in tax revenue, successful businesses give by far more to society than any other segment of society, including public universities like Stamato’s Rutgers, which wouldn’t exist without taxes. Stamato owes her job to business corporations, and all they get for their taxes is smears.

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