It is High Time to Remove the Vestige of Slavery in Our Electoral Process

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Signers’ Hall, Constitutional Convention, Philadelphia     [Image from the Fulbright Association]

From our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

Between the way that electors are assigned and the fact that slaves were counted as 3/5ths persons for the purposes of the Census from 1790 through 1860, the Electoral College gave outsiszed representation to slave-holding states when it came time to choose presidents. The slave-holding states were concerned that if the President was elected by a majority vote, the more populous northern states would vote in a president dedicated to the abolition of slavery.

It happened anyway. But instead of a negotiated phase-out, with compensation of some sort to those owning slaves, emancipation was achieved at the point of a gun. Lots of guns. Over 600,000 people were killed (almost all young men) and the slave-holding regions were economically devastated for almost a century.

But the Electoral College survives.

Now, we are seeing an attempt by the bitter dead-ender elements of the losing party of the 2020 presidential election to use the Electoral College to, in effect, stage a coup.

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Best Posts, COVID, Hope, Bright Spots, Lessons, 2020 Not Over, Calvary, Lin

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Jon Ossoff Turns Tables on Fox News Reporter:

‘Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman’

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From David Edwards Raw Story:

“Any concern that the allegations of wrongdoing against Rev. Warnock could possibly be a drag on the Democratic ticket?” Doocy wondered.

“None whatsoever,” Ossoff insisted. “Here’s the bottom line. [Republican Senator] Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman. Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman. And so she is stooping to these vicious personal attacks to distract from the fact that she’s been campaigning with a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“We deserve better than that here in Georgia,” he added. “And I want to encourage everybody to make a plan to vote on Tuesday.”

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Origin of the Twelve Days of Christmas

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Leaping Lords in The Twelve Days of Christmas – The King’s Singers and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir     [Image from The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square]

From David Robertson at The Moderate Voice:

Back in 2016, one of my Melmacian friends heard the song The Twelve Days of Christmas. She thought that the gifts in the song were the gifts that she needed to give me, and that is what she did. Every day for twelve days, I received every gift for that day mentioned in the song.

So, on the 13th day of Christmas, I returned these gifts for me:

12 Drummers Drumming (I don’t need a marching band in my house.)

22 Pipers Piping (I wish that they would pipe down.)

30 Lords a Leaping (Since when is the game of leap-frog a Christmas activity?)

36 Ladies Dancing (If “Dancing with the Stars” didn’t want them, then why should I?)

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