Opposition to Black Lives Matter Not Working ‑ ‑ Yet

found online by Burr


From Politico:

In a sign that the Marxism tag might already be falling flat, Giuliani took his attacks a step further Thursday, falsely accusing BLM activists of being terrorists. “These are people who hate white people,” Giuliani said on Fox News. “These are killers.”

Some Republican strategists believe that the combination of early summer riots, the controversial stances of some BLMGN members, plus the mainstreaming of “defund the police,” have given them an opening to diminish Democrats’ current electoral advantage. Democrats and BLM organizers point to the polls, describing the GOP strategy as a nakedly racist last gasp that won’t gain traction outside the right-wing echo chamber.

“The average voter in that swing suburb is not thinking about BLM as [select] leaders of the movement,” said Jefrey Pollock, president of polling firm Global Strategy Group, who works with Democrats in swing House and Senate races. “They’re thinking about the larger conversation that is happening about African Americans and racial injustice.”

At the moment, more than 60 percent of Americans support the movement, according to recent polls. And 62 percent of white people say minorities are not treated equally in the criminal justice system — up 18 points since 2014.

– More –

Black Lives Matter:
The Right Side of History

Ieshia Evans stands alone facing police in Baton Rouge Protest

My conservative friend needs to reconsider Black Lives Matter.

It was a chilly, drizzly Sunday morning.
I was not attending worship services. Not this Sunday.
Not after the cancellation of our contemporary service.

For a few years, we had maintained two services.
The traditional service seemed to satisfy older members.
The contemporary service was not truly contemporary, but it was a step.

I had drifted away from the traditional service.
I found the traditions a little silly, one more barrier between ordinary folks and our creator.

The Elizabethan English, with it’s mandatory Thee and Thou substitutions for modern words, the songs from past ages:

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art

It was not entirely indecipherable.

C.S. Lewis had written his memorable fictional senior demon’s advice to an underling. If the senior demon could get a junior demon to redirect worship toward a mental image or even a location, it would be a minor subversion that could lead to bigger things. The senior demon wrote fondly of an earlier subversion, as a devout soul imagined God as residing in the upper, forward rafters of the sanctuary. Soon he had her worshiping the rafters themselves.

Senior wanted junior malignant to avoid the spiritual antidote. If the devout subject were to direct prayer not as I imagine you, but as you really are the underworld battle for that soul would be lost, at least until the next engagement.

So, instead of Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art, why not simply say: I want to worship you as you truly are, not according to my flawed imagination? Would not that fictional subversion of worship be more directly defeated by clarity? Could we not put away our decoder rings and simply worship?

There seemed to me to be dozens of moments, directed chants, overly announced rites, stop and go music, that were disruptions, interruptions of a sort of spiritual flow. I wanted a simpler connection. And I felt that others did as well.

But the leadership of the church asked for a leap of faith. Attendance had declined, and a certain dynamic might be re-established if we combined services into a greater filling of pews.

I had committed to transporting a couple of young people and I wanted to keep my promise as long as I was needed. Another congregant could take them back that morning. I dropped off my passengers. They waved as I headed away. The next week would be devoted to finding a new spiritual home.

Ahead of me, in the light rain, I saw the green light change to red. The driver of the pickup truck did not seem to notice. He drifted into the intersection. The collision was dramatic.

The next several minutes were spent running back and forth between vehicles. I pulled the young woman from behind the wheel. She seemed shaken up but uninjured. The middle-aged black man in the pickup did not seem to be injured. His words were slurred and he had trouble understanding me as I asked if he could lie down.

Someone yelled from a car. I told her to call for help. Police and an ambulance. Other drivers stopped. I directed help to both drivers and got someone to guide traffic around the accident.

Then the police came, a single young white cop. The woman did not want medical attention. The officer got an ambulance to the pickup, helping emergency people talk with the driver.

Then he interviewed the only witness. Me.

It was a quick interview. It was easy to see who was at fault. I told him the black driver was clearly under the influence. He shouldn’t have been driving that morning.

The officer got the car started and told the woman he would follow her home, a block or so away. As the pickup was towed and the debris was cleared, the young officer escorted participants to their cars. I was last.

He thanked me for temporarily taking charge. I asked about the pickup driver. Was he okay? It was hard to tell through the alcoholic haziness.

No, the officer said, he had seen that sort of thing before. The man had not been drinking, and it was not a drug induced stupor. The man been overtaken by a medical condition. He had gone into a sudden diabetic coma. It may have been his first.

After walking me to my car, he was gone, getting the young woman back to her family.

It was one of my better moments with police over my adult life. In almost all cases police have behaved pretty much as you might expect from watching cops-in-action shows. In a few cases, they have gone a little beyond in compassion and understanding. In a couple of cases, not so much. Not a bad series of encounters overall, considering my advanced years.

It is typical of the experience of most Americans.

Tom Zebra is an exception. He has become an internet personality, recording pretty much every encounter he has with police in and around Los Angeles.

In one contentious interview an unnamed police lieutenant in Hawthorne, CA, makes an obvious admission.

I admit that there’s cops who do things wrong.

But he follows up with a view most Americans find compelling. When you take a large population of most anybody, you will find some small number of outliers, exceptions to a general rule.

How many cops here in the United States? There’s what … I don’t know … five hundred thousand of us? Of course you’re gonna get a bad apple here and there.

But the rule itself should not be disregarded.

But I’ll tell you this:

My firm opinion is 99.999% of the cops are hard-working men and women who do a good solid job and follow the law.

Street Interview: Hawthorne, CA, May 30, 2016

The interview was antagonistic, with both participants quite willing to interrupt. But I was impressed. Both seemed interested in listening to arguments with which they profoundly disagreed. The police lieutenant seemed to hold up his end pretty well, and the encounter looked like it was fairly presented by the interviewer.

The 99.999% statement by the police officer was hyperbole, but let’s not lose his point: that the overwhelming majority of law enforcement is fair.

And it seems representative of the view of my conservative friend Darrell.

We, as Americans, already have long agreed that the rare instances of illegal and unwarranted police brutality should be swiftly punished through legal means. What then are these “protesters” trying to accomplish?

Darrell Michaels, August 5, 2020

The logical flow can be found floating around a number of issues. If racism is a vanishingly small part of American life, those who campaign against racism must have some other motivation. So racism must be nothing but a rhetorical cudgel, a case of name calling with pretty much nothing behind it.

And if the number of malevolent, unfair, police actions are so microscopically tiny as to be almost non-existent…

99.999% of the cops … do a good solid job and follow the law.

…then any movement against police misconduct must be a subterfuge.

This is how my friend puts it.

Surely this is about much more than fighting racism. 95% of America already agrees with that stance. Look beyond the surface of BLM’s website and you will find what this is really all about.

August 5, 2020

And you can certainly find excesses in rhetoric and action with which to characterize the movement, the fraudulent movement against what, for the most part, does not exist.

As in any argument, the temptation is to accept, uncritically, testimony from those who will make up such incidents. Occasionally, even religious leaders are quite willing to bear false witness against those with whom they disagree, especially if those who embrace God believe they are lying in service to the Lord.

But suppose the incidence of racial bias among police was not one one hundredth of one percent? A recent poll conducted by Morning Consult was startling. An overwhelming majority, 64%, of police officers had an unfavorable opinion of white supremacists. Speaks well of them. And it corresponds to what most folks experience.

But 23% of police officers had positive feelings about white supremacists. That would be nearly one out of four police officers, officers a reasonable member of a racial minority would be wise to avoid at all costs.

Was the poll accurate? I have my doubts. The police composed a small sub-sample of the entire poll. And the raw numbers were small, a total of 250 police officers which were then broken down into sub-groups.

But if, for the sake of argument, we accept that only one out of six officers have toxic views toward minorities, that would make each encounter for a black person pretty much a hopefully non-lethal game of Russian roulette.

One out of ten, perhaps? I have had more than ten encounters with police over my long life. I do not feel comfortable with the thought that each of my children, each grandchild, would, over a lifetime, likely run into at least one officer who will regard my loved one as less than an equal, deserving member of humanity.

And if, as in Ferguson, MO, some small municipality depends on police fines for its budget, the temptation among city managers will be great to pressure the best to behave as do the worst.

Black families do not, cannot, rely on statistical analysis. Parents of black children know to administer “the talk.” Our little ones must be taught early on that tragic consequences can come from an encounter with a malevolent officer, or with even a normally friendly officer having an abnormally bad day. Truly good officers provide safety, but there is no way to tell. No-one wears a badge that says “I’m one of the many good ones.” A portion of each of our periodic extended-family gatherings usually includes the latest advice on what routes a black traveler may safely choose to avoid harassment and danger. After all, officers do occasionally move from one police community to another.

I’m a support-your-local-police kind of guy, and also a BLM kind of guy. I don’t see a contradiction.

Support your police because the overwhelming majority deserve our thanks and support. And support Black Lives Matter because, to a dangerous few, those lives do not matter enough.

For most Americans, the choice became clear, not with a dispassionate examination of the evidence. They became convinced as they watched a police officer casually stare into a video shot, hands in pockets, demonstrating his complete control, ignoring the pleas of bystanders, with no apparent emotion, demonstrating the effortless ease with which he could turn a living human being into a lifeless corpse.

Power on camera for all to see.

I have known my conservative friend for many years. Our connection began in debate and continued by internet. Although we have never met, the bond has grown. He was there with words of sympathy during a critical family illness. He offered understanding and reassurance in a frightening time as we lost contact with our young Marine during and after an attack on his base in Afghanistan.

And I believe him when he says this:

We, as Americans, already have long agreed with the sentiment that black lives truly do matter.

August 5, 2020

This qualifies him, it really does, for full membership in Black Lives Matter. Membership does not exempt him from the obligation he will feel to criticize excess within the movement. When violence or destruction or excessive rhetoric occurs, he can and should condemn it. As did the young man in this video, shouting angrily.

There is a huge separation from the antagonizers and the protestors.

The angry young man defines just what that difference is:

They are giving a speech about Black Lives and you want to destroy about black lives.

Channel 4 News, August 4, 2020

You may want to follow another example, as a pro-Black Lives Matter blogger simply tells the truth:

A really good way to protest is peacefully, persistently, and in huge numbers. Over and over. And that’s what’s been happening in Portland. That is the story here, or would be, if the sanctimonious late shift could be persuaded to confine their fireworks to Mommy’s trash can.

Murr Brewster, July 29, 2020

She puts that pretty well, actually.

The political world is not divided between those who oppose injustice and those who support it.

Very few people are comfortable with injustice, my friend. We simply deal with it differently. When confronted with wrong, some will fight for what is right. Some of those will likely veer into wrong directions. Others will deny that there is anything to fight. They may deny that injustice happens. They may declare injustice actually to be just.

You may want to devote your considerable talents to the right side of history.
The lives of some folks, sometimes, too often, do not matter enough to those who happen to hold those vulnerable lives in their hands, or in their arms, or under their knees.

Some future C.S. Lewis, writing about inner demons, will need to know which choice you made.

Blow Ozone Up My What? COVID-19 as Homicide, Police Union: Choke on It

3 Aurora, CO Officers Fired After Having Fun Outside Memorial for Innocent Choke Hold Victim

Continue reading “Blow Ozone Up My What? COVID-19 as Homicide, Police Union: Choke on It”

Police Liftless Fingers, Violent BLM, Greasy Obama, Virus Media, Sniffles

Tucker Outraged as Obama Gets Greasy
Defiling the Eulogy by Connecting John Lewis with Voting Rights
  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara explains why socialism is evil after defining it as putting collective good in place of any individual good. Well, that wasn’t hard, was it? Makes it easy to demonize Social Security, any police except for private security forces (who wants socialized police?), any fire departments except those privately created for private purposes (who wants socialized fire departments?). In fact, who wants socialized roads, socialized bridges, or socialized sidewalks? All we need to do is define our terms first. As in “Let’s first define our terms.”
  • My long time friend (no lie) Darrell is Unabashedly American, defining terms in a slightly more brazen way. For example, Congressman Jerry Nadler says that BLM protests are “generally peaceful.” Darrell says this really means “any violence being done is by police on peaceful protesters simply exercising their constitutional rights…” That would be any violence. Since that proposition is easily disproven (it only takes one video, right?), it means police are dealing with “mainly snot-nosed white millenial rioters.” So that settles it.
  • Scotties Toy Box takes a brief look at one of the less savory methods a few police organizations can use to force unwilling support, and do it without lifting a finger. Literally.
  • Frances Langum watches Tucker Carlson, so you don’t have to, where Barack Obama becomes “a greasy politician” for twisting a eulogy into somehow trying to connect John Lewis with voting rights. As Tucker puts it, “What kind of person would do that?”

Continue reading “Police Liftless Fingers, Violent BLM, Greasy Obama, Virus Media, Sniffles”

Trump Followers: Safe from Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Good and Evil


Why my conservative brothers and sisters in Christ, like Donald Trump, do not need forgiveness from God, forgiveness for which the rest of us must urgently pray.

Once again, my fellow Christians have me thinking about the Bible. This time it’s about Genesis.

A generation ago, it was about Exodus. That was when I happened to run across a polemic by Robert Knight of the Family Research Council. Studies had shown that gay sex was unhealthy. It shortened life expectancy. And there was a link to the studies. The National Physicians Center for Family Resources, the International Healing Foundation, the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality all substantiated the research.

One of the founders of the Family Research Council, George Alan Rekers, used those same studies in Florida testifying against gay adoption.

So I traced back the studies. It turned out there were not actual studies. They all traced back to one study. It was by Dr. Paul Cameron. The research involved the examination of the obituary sections of several gay publications. Dr. Cameron counted the number of deaths, added the ages, divided and came up with the life expectancy of all gay people.

Really? That was the research?

Okay, so it was bogus. So were other research papers by Dr. Cameron supposedly proving that gay people were likely abusers of children, and that homosexuality was contagious. In some instances, the good doctor quoted other experts, substituting his own words for theirs.

Professional associations take serious research … well … seriously. The American Sociological Association formally spoke out against his methods, followed by the Canadian Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association and the Nebraska Psychological Association made formal inquiries into ethical lapses involving his extraordinary claims. They eventually expelled him.

That was not enough for conservative Christian publications. The study kept popping up, until, suddenly, it didn’t.

So what happened? Did the Family Research Council or Robert Knight or George Rekers or other Christian groups decide that false witness is indeed wrong?

Well, not exactly.
Continue reading “Trump Followers: Safe from Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Good and Evil”

Trump Cognate, Christianity, White Privilege, Pandemucate, Police State

  • Sarah Cooper shows us how to Person Woman Man Camera TV:

  • Well, that wasn’t bright. A Republican primary candidate writes an anti‑abortion‑rights piece and asks Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson to run it in the on‑line publication he edits. Despite reservations about publishing a campaign piece, Wigderson agrees, but suggests a couple of minor changes for clarity and style. The candidate then goes public, angrily accusing the publication of censorship.
    Result? How about an article telling the world the candidate is a liar? Sounds like a sort of substitute for my president’s minimal cognitive test. If a candidate can’t pass it, he’s not up to the job. Or much of any job.
  • Max’s Dad takes a position on the AOC vs TY conflict. Ty Yoho ambushes Alexandria Ocasio‑Cortez on the steps of a Congressional Building, yelling that she is “disgusting” and that “You are out of your freaking mind.” Seems she had suggested a link between crime rates and poverty rates. As she walks away, he calls her a “****ing bitch” (Sorry – Just couldn’t print it).
    Without naming her, Yoho later apologized for the “abrupt” nature of his conversation. That’s the word he used. Abrupt. So Representative Ocasio‑Cortez pretty much ripped out his liver and fed it to him. Max’s Dad cheers her on.
    Some pundits later accused Yoho of rank lying, denying that he called his colleague (aw what the hell) a “fucking bitch” (Sorry, Aunt Tildy). For the record, he did not actually deny saying that. He denied saying it to her. Max’s Dad gets it right. Yoho “who like most right wing chickenshits” called her what he called her “behind her back” as she walked away. He didn’t have the courage to say it to her face.
  • So David Brooks protests changing standards of discourse and what constitutes offense. John Scalzi at Whatever examines his prime example, that the great Christopher Hitchens would never get published today, and commits withering vivisection on the argument.
  • North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz meets thousands of people who recoil from Christianity, sickened by its insidious influence in our political system; who see it as a toxic presence in our nation—one that serves only to divide and perpetuate inequity and inflict injury.
    His message to those horrified by current Christian perversions: many of us are with you: and so is Jesus.

Continue reading “Trump Cognate, Christianity, White Privilege, Pandemucate, Police State”