The President Says the “1917 Pandemic” Ended the Second World War

found online by Burr


The amazing time traveling flu: 1918 to 1917 to 1945

4 thoughts on “The President Says the “1917 Pandemic” Ended the Second World War”

    1. Yes, Obama has insisted all along that we have 57 states. Whereas Trump is the real genius. Repeating intentional lies and ignorant statements is the Republican way.

    2. Thank you for that reminder, Darrell.

      It brings this to my mind:

      “I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn’t study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.”

      It is a quote Dan Quayle never ever said. The reason it became part of Quayle-lore anyway is that it fit an established pattern of dopey things he actually did say. He was unfortunate in that regard. His deer-in-the-headlights demeanor in front of the camera did not reflect his actual performance behind the scenes when performance really affected lives. In fact, I defended him a few times when writing and speaking about other issues.

      The reason Obama’s slip up did not make it into public memory is that his pattern remains one of thinking on his feet with a well-read knowledge of the issues, from A to Z. One incident that strikes me as iconic involved the glee with which Congressional Republicans anticipated his appearance in 2010, the one time they invited him to a GOP retreat. Their legislative experts were ready, prepared to trip him up with statutory minutiae and policy details. To their happy surprise, he even agreed to have the encounter televised.

      After he adroitly out-spoke and outmaneuvered them on their own chosen battlefield, they complained bitterly at having themselves been ambushed. He was never invited back.

      Mr. Trump, on the other hand, is … well … Mr. Trump.

      Even if he successfully recites all 57 states, in addition to “person, woman, man, camera, TV,” he will always be remembered for a grasp of policy that runs the gamut from from A to B.

      COVID, anyone?

  1. Politifact notes:
    As reported by Reuters, Obama was howdying a crowd in Beaverton, Ore., on May 9, 2008, when he said: “It is wonderful to be back in Oregon. Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states. I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”

    He meant to say “forty-seven”. Trump repeats the “1917 flu” every time, and is wrong every time.

    But we have to acknowledge Trump knows more than Obama about everything. Even racism. As every white conservative knows, Obama is the one responsible for aggravating racial tensions.

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