Election, Supremes, Pardons, Time of Year, Hunter Attax, Gohmert Decay

Texas has no standing, now must sit     [Image from Daily News]
  • I’ve been thinking about how often Joe Biden has run for President. He lost twice. He lost in 1992. He lost in 2008.
    But in 2020 he has, so far, won …like… nine times. Ten with last night’s Supreme Court ruling. That would be 3060 electoral votes. All those lawsuits and weird workarounds and threats and armed attempts at intimidation keep the fun going and going, in a potentially violent, dangerous sort of way. It’s like (and don’t correct me, I’m on a roll here) watching Rocky IX and wondering who will win.
    But nojo is one of the wisest sages on line, and he warns that the erosion of democratic principles will continue. The coup will keep on as a never ending enterprise. There is always the slavery holdover electoral college that quadrennially becomes a dice throw. The fake-danger might not be so much fun, or fake, in the end. Remember Westworld from the wayback machine? The fun will be over when democracy is killed.
  • The Onion takes an electoral stand saluting those courageous Trump supporting legislators who have pledged to bravely stand up against American voters.
  • Gingrich Fox contribution: The objective fact is I believe Trump probably did actually carry Georgia… News Corpse uses Newt’s now semi-famous statement to show that Republicans have forsaken democracy in favor of faith based elections. Don’t count the votes. Just believe as hard as you can.
    I dunno. If you slice the words thin enough, I might buy the objective fact that Gingrich believes something deranged.
  • The new Supreme Court non-ruling, knocking down the latest bit of Trumpish legalish gibberish, was an unusual sort of split decision. 2 justices wanted to reject the application to overturn the election. The other 7 didn’t want to hear it all all. So the vote was:
    2 NO
    7 HELL NO.
    Which leads us to a bit of wisdom from Cato Institute’s Julian Sanchez:

  • After Trump has forced the nation to join him in reliving his 2016 win over and over, Sarah Cooper realizes that our torture is now rewarded.
  • Aside from keeping on keeping on and on and on, trying to override the election, two more issues seem to be engulfing the declining outgoing administration: the escalating pandemic and the preparation of a phenomenal number of unexpected pardons for various criminal activities. As Andy Borowitz reports, the White House is meeting the parallel crises by offering curbside amnesty pickup.

Continue reading “Election, Supremes, Pardons, Time of Year, Hunter Attax, Gohmert Decay”

Death Penalty

Only Real Americans Should Count

Posted on Twitter by Burr

From this all else seems to flow

The attitude that dares not speak its own name

People in cities should not be part of a majority

People who are somehow exotic, out of place – at least our places – should not be encouraged to vote.

So vote-by-mail during a pandemic is wrong because the wrong sort of people will vote by mail.

Last Words to his Wife Before Death of former Alabama State Senator

found on Twitter by Burr



COVID Bites, Counts, Pardon Me, Barr, Flynn, Hawks Back, Quantum Sauce

momwino98 makes faces:

Find momwino98 on tiktok

  • 2403 deaths were enough to put us at war against an empire. It happened 79 years ago this coming week, seventy nine. Yet it was enough to still be compared with other disasters, even now. M. Bouffant at Web of Evil notes a new milestone. We have now have more than that number of tragic deaths every single day from COVID-19.
  • Skipping one state west from here in Missouri, Frances Langum documents how a Kansas community became united against its chief medical officer. She was degraded, mocked, and threatened to the point of requiring a sheriff’s escort. Can we guess what much of that same community has in common now?
  • Athena Scalzi at Whatever had reason to suspect she might have been exposed to the coronavirus. She did not much enjoy the COVID-19 test but, for some reason, thought it was worth it. Something to do with early mortality and exposing others to danger.
  • North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz corrects a friend. We have not yet reached the end of our 4 year trauma. The real PTSD stage of the Trump years won’t arrive until the wounding has stopped. Until the time of healing begins, we stay alive and treat each new affliction. Beginning January 20, we’ll have time for the post part of traumatic stress.
  • In Nan’s Notebook, she records what she hopes will be her last fierce, scathing, burning letter to her Senators about Trump.
  • Andy Borowitz reports on warnings by Russian President Vlad Putin that, when Joe Biden takes office, the US will be controlled by Americans. He accuses Biden of being the handpicked instrument of those who would seek to advance American interests.
  • There is always time for another episode of Trump vs the Voters as Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson just reports the facts. The recount in Wisconsin finds more votes for Biden.
    I may be wrong in thinking that one of the best conservative writers around is getting bored and impatient with the seemingly unending series. Consider this factual conclusion from James:
    Trump’s campaign has been largely unsuccessful in its legal efforts, mostly putting forward unsubstantiated claims of fraud and conspiracy theories that have been quickly dismissed by the courts.
  • Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit tells us that, yes, there are some actual documented cases of voter fraud, where someone casts a ballot when they are not permitted by law. And she notices a distinct pattern in those cases.
  • At The Moderate Voice Joe Gandelman watches as Trump’s Attorney General, the ever corrupt Bill Barr, finally discovers a line he can’t cross, at least not yet. He says his detailed investigation has not yet discovered enough voter fraud to affect the ouster of Mr. Trump. Note the use of yet.
  • So how could Trump have lost? Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger hears Donald Trump’s rhetorical question and provides a non-rhetorical answer.
  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson explores the significance of General Michael Flynn’s call for the overthrow of the election, the silencing the media, and putting the military in charge.
    A correspondent praised the recently pardoned General Flynn as a military hero. I agree.

Continue reading “COVID Bites, Counts, Pardon Me, Barr, Flynn, Hawks Back, Quantum Sauce”

Cato’s Julian Sanchez on Trump’s Conspiracy Theories

found on Twitter by Burr



Hard to see the conspiracy

Paper ballots were filled out and simply totaled by machine

Poll workers from both parties did recounts

Recounts matched machine tallies


Trump Exit, Escape, Tantrums, Nap, Tiny Table, Corrupt Senator, GOP Gone Bad

Presidential Snap: Don’t talk to me that way     [Image from Guardian News]
  • Iron Knee at Political Irony offers help for a president about to be shown out (This way, sir), including a moving sale. Amazing what you can auction.
  • There is widespread hope that the incoming administration will be able to replace 4 years of aggressive division with rapid reconciliation. Biden is disinclined to push any prosecution of obvious law breaking. Scotties Toy Box has a quote from the niece of our reluctant soon-to-be presidential retiree. Mary Trump suggests that unity should not come at the price of accountability.
  • Ant Farmer’s Almanac has the best headline, at least for those of us who watched The Shawshank Redemption more than once, about the lame duck presidential period, that will … thank God Almighty … end January 20.
  • Those of a certain age might remember the late Benjamin Spock, the pediatrician who authored a best selling book on child care. He attracted taunts from traditional disciplinarians. I thought of Dr. Spock as I read the amusing thoughts of Joe Hagstrom in MadMikesAmerica. Joe wonders how stern conservatives could melt into naïve softies when confronted with chronic misbehavior in the White House. Seems Trump has been Spocked when he should have been spanked.
  • Catch the latest Trump press conference? Frances Langum did, and wasn’t the only one amused by Trump’s teeny tiny desk. I’m old but, no kidding, sometimes I love being immature.
  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged observes my current president’s strained press encounter, the public meeting that became edgy as Trump got cranky at an inconvenient question. Vixen suggests a bedtime fantasy conspiracy story followed by a quiet nap. Does work for some small kids.
  • Human weakness being what it is, corruption is not limited to the executive branch. M. Bouffant at Web of Evil has a low tolerance for US Senators, including a Republican up for re-election runoff in Georgia, who use privileged COVID related information to sneak into the crevices of committee rooms, make calls to their stockbrokers, and use legislative information to enrich themselves.
  • Dave Dubya is fed up with the last incarnation of the once noble Republican party. His brief list of reasons finishes with a wonderful punchline, at least to me. Your mileage may vary, especially if you’re Republican.

Continue reading “Trump Exit, Escape, Tantrums, Nap, Tiny Table, Corrupt Senator, GOP Gone Bad”