Stop Carping at Cruz

My Twitter View

He left the right person to run Texas

Pandemic, Texas Cruz, Impeach Done, Bum Rush, Trump Riot, Mirror Image

Shamelessly stolen from Political Irony.
With a proviso: please watch it until the end.

  • @momwino98 goes back in TikTokTime to explain to her 2019 self what 2020 will be like. A bit of Wait, what? combined with Wait, what the HELL!
  • Reductress covers one of the admittedly lesser tragedies of isolated living as one person is disgusted to discover she enjoys egg salad.
  • Political Irony captures the whole embarrassing saga of Ted Cruz responding to Texans freezing in the dark with no water by flying to Cancun. Iron Knee goes into the damaging lies and excuses that simply made it worse for the good Senator.
    I’ve seen some efforts to excuse Cruz. After all, what could he have done? Except, perhaps, follow the example of the single political figure Texas Republicans are taught especially to hate. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, having no constituency in Texas, has nonetheless asked her supporters to donate, so far raising over 2 million dollars for Texas relief. While Texas Senator Cruz was still in Cancun, the New York Congressional Representative traveled to Houston to raise national awareness of opportunities to help. Somehow compassion for some transcends congressional borders.
    I find some of this a little familiar. When I was a kid, I read about a sea change in Newark politics. I wrote about that a few years ago and how, more recently, weather conditions changed the fortunes of now ex-Governor Chris Christie and now Senator Cory Booker because of their very different responses to crisis.
    Ted has an additional disadvantage, his widely known personality wraps around him as an anchor might be chained around the neck of an an unlucky ocean swimmer. Years ago, when Al Franken was Senator Franken, he remarked: I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.
  • Hackwhackers goes cartoonish about Texas misery, tragedy, Cruz, and Cancun, then surveys reaction to the Cruz cruise from around the tweeternet. One question:

  • Andy Borowitz reports as Ted Cruz describes his heroic mission to Cancun, investigating the theft by Mexico of Texas sun and heat.
  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson quotes the now suddenly retired Mayor Tim Boyd of Colorado City, Texas, as he scolds his constituents for wanting life saving necessities like water and heat. …quit crying and looking for a handout, he says, Only the strong will survive and the weak will parish. I note the semi-religious misspelling. Perhaps he thought he was quoting Jesus? Stomp the least of these, I think it goes.

Continue reading “Pandemic, Texas Cruz, Impeach Done, Bum Rush, Trump Riot, Mirror Image”

Rubigo Rush in Pace

My View

Trump on Rush

Me on Trump on Rush

Me on Rush

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger
Disowned by Relatives

My view

All we need to do is quote

Response not needed

I don’t have to have a view

Trump’s own opinion is enough

Impeach, Arresting Argument, Trump Intent, Super Stacey Plaskett, Why Me?

  • Those of us born during or shortly after the Truman administration will remember growing up watching comedian Henny Youngman on our black-and-white TVs. His nervous rapid-fire humor meant that, if you didn’t laugh at one quick joke, you might get the next half a second later. His most famous line was just after he was talking about his wished-for relationship with various women.

    Married for 38 years and I’m still in love with the same woman.
    If my wife finds out, she’ll kill me.

    Then came the famous line as he transitioned:

    Now you take my wife…
    … please.

    Ha ha. Get it? Okay, next line.
    I read a science fiction piece decades later in which the writer missed the joke, quoting thusly: “Please take my wife,” and having the boomer-aged audience laugh and laugh.
    Hackwhackers brings us one of the weirder moments of the Trump defense, their most arresting argument. Those of us who remember Henny will recognize:

    Now, take my client…

  • At The Onion, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-Mar-a-Lago) grows especially irritated as Trump lawyers mess up the speeches he has spent hours rehearsing with them.
  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson explains how the compelling narrative put forth by impeachment prosecutors became riveting as Stacey Plaskett took the platform. Her just-the-facts visual moment-by-moment presentation, using videos from the cellphones of rioters themselves, was captivating. A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, but Heather Cox Richardson elevates the value of those words by several quantum levels with her vivid descriptions of what we saw on our screens.
    One sample:

    The mocking, singsong, drawn out calls for “Nancy” from a rioter searching for the House Speaker as if he were a monster stalking a victim in a horror movie, and the angry chants to “Hang Mike Pence!” from rioters who had hung a noose from a gallows they constructed outside the Capitol, left little doubt the rioters were deadly.

  • Green Eagle, does what much of the Senate and some of America does not: pays attention to the evidence about January 6 and the context of that evidence. And learns what my then-president intended to have happen.
  • MadMikesAmerica takes a police radio broadcast during the Trump riot, accurately compresses it to its essence, and applies it to the Republican party in one cartoon.
  • Scotties Toy Box shows a telling quote on the primary reason Republican Senators are being told they must not find Trump guilty. Think it might be constitutionality? Think again. That he is completely innocent? Au contraire, Pierre. The evidence is in some way suspect? Oh foolish mortal.
  • As are most of us, North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz is shaken by what he has seen on screen as videos were shown of violence inflicted by Trump rioters. They injured and killed police officers and hunted for legislators to assassinate. He is also shaken by those lawmakers who are not shaken at all, those whose hearts are so deadened they are more irritated at the inconvenience generated by bothersome calls to moral accountability.
  • nojo suggests the ugly truths we are learning from the national news about ourselves and our country goes beyond those things we care about. The hard lessons include what we discover we care nothing about.
  • CalicoJack, in The Psy of Life, suggests the primary response each reader ought to have to what we are seeing in the Senate impeachment trial, and several ways to express that response.

Continue reading “Impeach, Arresting Argument, Trump Intent, Super Stacey Plaskett, Why Me?”

Read Your Bible Lately?

My opinion on Twitter



Pleading to spare the city

Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

Genesis 18:32