Martha McSally Claims to Fight for Pre-Existing Conditions: It’s a Lie

found online by Raymond

From Tommy Christopher:

Before the ACA passed, nothing prevented insurance companies from charging absurdly high rates — or even denying coverage altogether — to people who have had health conditions like cancer, diabetes, or even pregnancy.

Repealing the ACA, as McSally enthusiastically voted to do, would eliminate those protections.

McSally voted in favor of the failed Trumpcare bill, which would have allowed insurers to jack up premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, pricing them out of the market.

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Donald Trump as the Messiah of the Gospels

found online by Raymond via PZ Myers

From St. Louis KMOV4:

Credit KMOV-TV Channel 4

A large electronic billboard featuring President Donald Trump with the bible verse, “The word became flesh”, could be seen along the southbound lanes of the highway.

The billboard left residents like Sherri Chisholim searching for the meaning behind the ad.

“I didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know what message it was trying to send but I felt like it was somewhat offensive, I didn’t know if they were trying to equate Donald Trump to Jesus,” said Chisholim.

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Climbing Down From George Washington’s Cherry Tree

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From The Moderate Voice:

When George’s father asked young George if he had chopped down his favorite tree, legend (again) has it that the future first president of our country bravely admitted, “I can’t tell a lie, Pa; you know I can’t tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet.”

Compare the legend to the harsh, ugly reality 280 years later when the 45th president of the United States tells ABC News: “I always want to tell the truth. When I can, I tell the truth. And sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that’s different or there’s a change, but I always like to be truthful.”

Apparently, 5,000-plus times during the past 20 months this president wanted to tell the truth, but just could not bring himself to do it.

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Democrats and Socialism

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

The increasing embrace of socialism by the Democratic Party is a sea change away from the “liberal” welfare state Democrats, so it’s important to get this understanding right. Welfare statism is different in crucial respects from socialism, democratic or otherwise. The limited socialism of the welfare state, while rights-violating, is supposedly intended only as a “safety net” for capitalism, not a replacement. Under the modern welfare state, individual rights and free enterprise are still fundamental.

Unlike welfare statism, socialism leaves no room for freedom.

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Vote for Claire McCaskill, You Liberal Dipshits

found online by alert reader Trey

From Jaime Lees at the St. Louis River Front Times:

Listen up, hippies: November 6 is not the primary. This is a real-ass election day. You can whine about how you’d like more choices or a viable third party or whatever, but if you are any type of lefty and you aren’t voting for Claire McCaskill, you are also a raging moron.

Your vote here matters. It carries real, heavy, possibly irreversible consequences. But yeah, you like to vote with your little bleeding heart, don’t you? Well, don’t worry, wimp! The good news is that you should totally be “voting your conscience” this time because your stupid conscience should be saying this to you: “Good gravy, Josh Hawley must not win! Anyone but Josh Hawley!”

And that means that your only real option is Claire McCaskill.

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Republicans Fight in Court to Make Their Healthcare Promises Illegal


Republican candidates around the country now insist they support protection for those with pre-existing conditions.

And Republican lawmakers from every part of the nation are working to get their healthcare promises declared illegal.

Here’s how.

Continue reading “Republicans Fight in Court to Make Their Healthcare Promises Illegal”

Evil Halloween, Do vote, Unfortunate Support, Violence, Civility, Monsters

Racism Is Used to Defend Vote Against Protecting Abuse Victims

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From Tommy Christopher:

Rep. Steve Chabot defends a despicable vote with an even more despicable explanation.

Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) expects voters to understand his vote against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 2013 because he thought protecting immigrants from domestic violence was a bridge too far.

At two recent debates with Democratic challenger Aftab Pureval, Chabot offered increasingly despicable explanations for his vote against VAWA, which funds critical services like rape crisis centers, community violence prevention programs, and the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

At their first debate, Chabot said he voted against the bill to combat domestic violence because “the Senate added a whole bunch of illegal immigrants to be covered.”

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WATCH: Oprah Campaigns For Stacey Abrams

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:


“I want to tell you…no one paid for me to come here. No one asked me to come here. I came for myself and I approve this message.”

“If you are a woman, you need to recognize, it hasn’t even been 100 years since we had the right to vote… We as women people need to stand united & vote our values. Vote your conscience… we have discernment… you can’t be influenced by propaganda & fear.”

“When I go to the polls and cast my ballot, I cast it for a man I never knew, Otis Moss Sr. I cast a vote for my grandmother Hattie Mae Lee who died before the VRA was passed and when I stand in the poll I do what Maya Angelou said, I come as one but I stand as 10,000.”

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How Can I Be Certain the Evangelical God is a Myth?

found online by Raymond

From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

…concluding that the Bible is NOT what Evangelicals claim it is, and that its words were written by humans, will not erase all doubt one might have about the existence of God. Answering these questions will get a person almost to home, but there could still be, as in the case of the person who emailed me, niggling doubts.

These doubts are the vestiges of Evangelical indoctrination. Sunday after Sunday, these “truths” were preached from the pulpits of the churches we attended. Spend enough years hearing such sermons, and you are going to think these beliefs are true. The essence of faith is believing without seeing. Evangelicals believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and the afterlife, not because they have ever seen them, but because their churches, pastors, families believe them to be true. Surely, all these people can’t be wrong, right? Actually, they can be (and are) wrong. Faith, for the most part, bypasses reason and intellectual inquiry. Evangelicals believe what they do because everyone they know believes the same. It is only when Evangelicals step outside of the Evangelical box that they see their resolute beliefs are not as solid as they think they are.

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