David Koch Campaigns to Replace Holy Spirit With Scalia in Trinity

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Holy Trinity to be Revised?

From The Onion:

David Koch Pumps Billions Of Dollars Into Campaign To Secure Antonin Scalia A Seat In The Holy Trinity

“It’s been far too long since a true conservative like Antonin Scalia ascended to the highest ranks of Heaven and held the title of Divine Person,” said Koch, who, after arriving in the afterlife, reportedly began lobbying prominent Holy Angels and poured cash into conservative Heaven-wide advertising initiatives in order to secure a spot for the former Supreme Court justice to replace the Holy Spirit.

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Green Eagle’s Conspiracy Corner

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Trump Earthquake Conspiracy

From Green Eagle:

This idea came to me when I happened to see a right wing video that claimed that the earthquake was actually caused by reptilians from outer space, to accomplish something I was never clear about.

Anyway, that started me thinking about that earthquake. It was the biggest earthquake to hit the United States in decades. What a strange coincidence that it struck right in the middle of one of the largest US military weapons testing centers, huh?

Well, here’s my conspiracy theory. Trump is backing out of international treaties against nuclear weapons as fast as he can, the disgusting monster. I’m suggesting that this was actually an underground nuclear test, conducted at Trump’s orders, to send a message to Russia and China.

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The Stable Genius Knows Nuclear!

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Nuclear Hurricanes On the Way

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

It may be a little disturbing to dwell on how much Trump fixates on nukes, but we shouldn’t really worry too much, right? He has a very good brain because his uncle was a nuclear scientist, and that’s why he knows things like windmills and lightbulbs can cause cancer, and your heart is really only supposed to beat so many times during your life, asbestos isn’t really dangerous, and climate change is a Chinese hoax.

So rest assured, even if his politics might lead him to think that as the King of Israel (undeclared, but in the hearts of many, people are saying) he really has every right to at least make an offer on Greenland, it is totally not at all batshit that he has suggested that maybe to stop hurricanes, we should just fire a nuke into the eye of the thing, and that’ll teach it!

I guess the best part of the story, for me, is that he didn’t just suggest it one time, but brought it up more than once.

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Now We Are Free

Music I happen to like
– Aria


This was the epic theme ending the movie Gladiator. the score was written by German producer Hans Zimmer. I listened to this rendition by the Lithuanian group Indigo for years before watching the video. I’m glad I finally saw it.
It is a wonderful choral arrangement that fits the intended mood: an epic return by a General, who is brought down, sold into slavery, then struggles to return and eventually sacrifices himself for justice.
At the end of the choral video, an unidentified man singing from a wheelchair pretty much brings the curtain down.

The words are from a private personal language invented by Australian composer Lisa Gerrard that she has developed since childhood. Their meaning is a mystery, at least to me. They simply lend the beautiful music an authentic flavor.

Unskilled Man Fears He Will Lose Job in Recession

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From Andy Borowitz:

The man, who has barely clung to his job for the past two and a half years, is justified in believing that an economic downturn would result in his unemployment, experts said.

“When the economy is good, it’s possible for someone like him to hold down a job for which he is woefully unqualified,” Harland Dorrinson, a human-resources specialist, said. “But when the economy goes south, look out.”

Dorrinson said that the unskilled man’s résumé, which lists six bankruptcies and multiple business failures, could come under scrutiny in the event of a recession.

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Trump’s Economic Message Doesn’t Reassure Anyone

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

Isn’t the president supposed to be easing our fears that a recession is imminent?

I have no idea whether the U.S. is headed toward a recession. What’s sort of shocking me this week so far, however, is the possibility that President Donald Trump will manage to panic the nation into hard times. Is that possible? I’m no economist, but from the politics side, I would never have thought a president could do such a thing, mainly because the normal instinct for all administrations is to spin the economy in as positive a way as possible, and then some.

But then we had this week.

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Polls, Greenland, Wackiness, Orders, Economy, Indulgent Despair, Souls

Continue reading “Polls, Greenland, Wackiness, Orders, Economy, Indulgent Despair, Souls”


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From Max’s Dad:

Woodstock can only happen once. As many times as it has attempted to be duplicated it never has been. Give it up. Altamount happened just a few months later and people got beat up and killed and the ugliness of humanity came back full force. But for that 3 days in upstate New York in August 1969 humanity was free and nice and kind to each other. Its just a fact. Its not some hippie rewriting of history its just a fact and it cannot be taken away.

Later in 1970 the 3 hour movie came out. Now you could see what you’d been listening to on a record. The only problem was because it had a few F bombs in it and a few naked people bathing in a pond, it was rated R and this kid couldnt get in without an adult. Well my parents were not going to take me to see Woodstock thats for sure. So we had to find an alternative. So my friend and I bought tickets to see one movie at the Six West Theaters (yes we had a “multiplex” in 1970) and snuck into the Woodstock movie. And we got caught and booted out. Ok thats traumatic. I wasnt sure I could ever show my face there again. Then we tried again a week later. But this time we followed very closely some guys in their 20’s into the theater and sat right next to them which probably freaked them out a bit. Then the movie started. We moved. For 3 hours we SAW what we had been listening to for all those months. Holy shit again. I knew all those songs by heart by now. Thats what those guys and gals looked like. F bombs and nudity. Who cares? Get on with the tunes man.

I almost jumped out of my seat to rock out to Santana doing Soul Sacrifice. I fell in love with Grace Slick, Roger Daltrey became a golden God, Sly and The Family Stone, and the beauty of CSNY doing Suite Judy Blue Eyes. Migawd it was an experience.

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The Week Ahead

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Trump and Greenland

From nojo:

But Greenland, well, we can ignore that. Right?

Except for what follows. Except for other people taking the idea seriously, explaining it, defending it. Why wouldn’t we buy Greenland? We bought Alaska, after all. An American purchase of Greenland could represent an extraordinary deal in terms of America’s national security, economic interests, and environmental protection.

We should have put that last line in quotes, but why bother. Another week, and it’ll be conventional wisdom. Another week, and the batshit pronouncement of an illegitimate leader will have been absorbed into the cancerous part of America’s body politic. Not because it’s a good idea. Because he said it. And anything he says must be defended at all costs.

That’s the part we can’t ignore: The blind allegiance. The contagion of it. The utter denial that the globe has spun off its stand, much less fallen to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. It’s still spinning in place. Our Glorious Leader says so.

God knows what he’s gonna say this week.

Here’s something else that happened last week.

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Fabulously Failed Forecasts

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Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock – TV executives in 1966 urged that the “pointy eared character” be dropped

From The Propaganda Professor:

Predicting the future accurately is always a daunting challenge, even when it entails merely assessing the potential of a single person. Walt Disney was fired from his first newspaper job by an editor who declared that he had no imagination or original ideas. Michael Jordan failed to make the cut on his high school basketball team. Steven Spielberg was rejected three times when he applied to University Of Southern California film school. Elizabethan playwright Robert Greene famously scoffed at a newcomer on the theatre scene, a certain young “upstart crow” named William Shakespeare. Network executives urged Gene Roddenberry to “get rid of the pointed ears guy”. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job because she was “unfit for TV”. A newspaper editorial during the 1992 presidential campaign predicted that George Bush would win reelection quite easily, with Ross Perot coming in a distant second, and dismissively added that “Bill Clinton is not considered a factor.”

The difficulties are magnified astronomically when you are dealing with groups of people, and entire cultures. There are so many butterfly-effect variables, so many of which are unforeseeable. In 1962, when a new major league baseball team made its debut, they were truly horrible, winning only 40 out of 160 games. Everyone wrote them off as hopeless, forever doomed to be a laughing stock. Nobody saw it coming when, 7 years later, this ragtag team called the New York Mets made an abrupt pivot in mid-season, surged into the playoffs, and decisively defeated the heavily favored Baltimore Orioles to win the World Series.

Not surprisingly, then, many people who have predicted the future, including individuals who were extremely knowledgeable about the topic, have been drastically, embarrassingly off track.

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