Donald Trump Proposes YUGE Tax Cut for Hillary Clinton–and Donald Trump

found online by Raymond

From Jon Perr at PERRspectives:

Hillary Clinton 38, Donald Trump 0. If you haven’t been keeping score, that’s how many years of tax returns Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump respectively have made available to the American public.

But Trump’s declaration that “it’s none of your business” what tax rate he pays isn’t the only sign that the Donald is only posing as a populist. While Hillary Clinton has proposed raising her own taxes, Donald Trump would save millions of dollars under his own plan.

Unveiling his on-again, off-again tax plan in September, Trump bragged:

“It reduces or eliminates most of the deductions and loopholes available to special interests and to the very rich. In other words, it’s going to cost me a fortune — which is actually true — while preserving charitable giving and mortgage interest deductions, very importantly.” [Emphasis mine.]

Unsurprisingly, Trump is almost surely lying.

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