Angry White Con-servatives And BLM

found online by Raymond

From Dave Dubya:

Oh, no.

Back Lives Matter got in trouble again. Did they kill someone? No. Did they cripple someone? No. They protested a trigger-happy cop.

Ah, that’s the problem.

Whatever did that good police officer do? For one thing, he shot a fleeing black man in the back. But that’s ok, right? Anyone can make a mistake. Even trigger-happy cops.

Turns out this cop proved it’s really ok, and even did it again. Yes, he shot two fleeing black men in the back. One is dead and the other will spend his life in a wheelchair.

Black Lives Matter protested that police officer named Officer Ryan Pownall. This annoyed angry white con-servative, and Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police President, John McNesby, who called them “a pack of rabid animals” and said, “These are not activists, they are racist hate groups determined to instigate violence.”

Got the message? It serves those protesters right. Let’s dehumanize BLM and have more cops thinking it’s fine to shoot black men in the back. It doesn’t bother birther Trump, why should it bother all the other angry white con-servatives? After all, those black men are the real racists for protesting good white cops shooting Blacks in the back.

This is ugly racist core of con-servativism, folks.

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