Trump’s Presidential
Theater of the Absurd

found online by Raymond

From Jonathan Bernstein:

  • ITEM: Trump frequently claims he’ll do something — roll out a plan, make a decision — “in two weeks” and then does not follow up.
  • ITEM: Trump’s $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia turned out to be almost entirely fictional — turns out that what “deals” there were preceded the Trump administration, and nothing in the new “deal” moved forward from previous tentative steps.
  • ITEM: Trump on Monday held a mock signing ceremony for his decision to endorse privatizing air traffic control.
  • ITEM: EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has been touting 50,000 new coal jobs which turn out to be closer to 1,000 new coal jobs.

The accomplishments of the Trump administration have a knack for turning out to be hollow — this week has been a pretty brutal reminder of that, and it’s only Tuesday. But how does it affect Trump’s ability to govern?

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