Who’s the Real Snowflake?

found online by Raymond

From Gregory B. Gonzalez at MadMikesAmerica:

I always laugh when some Trump-supporting knuckle-dragger calls me a ‘snowflake’. I’m like, “Really? THAT’S the best insult you can throw at me? No wonder you have an IQ in the lower double digits!” Now think about that for a moment- these are the same people who believe Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are two different things and think Fox News and Breitbart are credible sources of information. To say nothing of the fact that they blindly follow a man who gets butt-hurt every Saturday night when Alec Baldwin mocks him on television. Donald Trump is, as Bill Maher puts it- a whiny little bitch.

So I ask you, who is the real snowflake?

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