A Modest Suggestion
for the Electoral College

found online by Raymond

From Green Eagle:

U. S. Constitution, article II, section 1:

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…”

We are never going to do away with the Electoral College, because it benefits Republicans too much for them ever to allow that. In fact, we are never going to see it change, for the same reason, but here is a sample of how unfair things are now: Wyoming, a terminally Republican State, gets one elector for every 195,000 people. Alaska gets one elector for every 246,000 people; North Dakota gets one for every 252,000.

At the other end of the spectrum, California, a strongly blue State, gets one elector for every 711,000 people; New York one for every 683,000.

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One thought on “A Modest Suggestion
for the Electoral College”

  1. We don’t vote on the Supreme Court and Congress already represents the states in a manner disproportionate to population. Shouldn’t we have at least one federal office that represents the will of the majority?

    At the very least, shouldn’t those who like our electoral college support fairness *within* that system, such that the vote of a New York resident is not worth less than 1/3 of that of a Wyoming resident?

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