In Michigan GOP, Opposing Trump Worse than Crime

found online by Raymond

From Chad Selweski at The Moderate Voice:

UPDATE: Wendy Day was removed from her GOP position Monday night by party Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel.

Did you hear about Wendy Day? She is a GOP official under fire within the Michigan Republican Party, especially from critics who want her booted out of the party.

What did she do? Well, she didn’t claim that Donald Trump sexually assaulted her in the past. She didn’t assert that Trump is unfit for the presidency. And she didn’t say that the bombastic billionaire is an all-around embarrassing nominee for the GOP.

What she did was declare publicly that she cannot vote for Trump.

The amazing aspect of this story is that this is the same state party which has failed to take any action in the past three years when faced with the fact that certain GOP officials have glaring criminal records or have engaged in outright hostility toward the MIGOP from within, even issuing a call for top officials to be forced out.

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