Locker Room Talk, Misogyny
and Cover Ups

found online by Raymond

From Capt. Fogg at Human Voices:

It’s evidently difficult for Americans to tell an unsupported assertion from a hypothesis based on evidence. That’s more true than it ever has been because we have the Internet to support anything no matter how insupportable. All it takes to launch a cult is a plausible assertion and an anecdote, neither of which has to have any basis in reality at all as long as it satisfies that old human passion for conspiracy, bigotry and the hunting of witches.

Normally I avoid dressing conjecture up as a campaign, but the gloves have been off for quite a while and it’s hard to take too much more of Hillary-Killary-Shillary who flies around on a broom and has been making all major policy decisions for the Federal government for 30 years.

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4 thoughts on “Locker Room Talk, Misogyny
and Cover Ups”

  1. Everything our good Captain says about Trump is true. Sadly, all of those same thing applied to our former President Clinton too. In fact, the actual cases of molestations, unwanted advances, and even a credible allegation of rape by Juanita Broderick made the seriousness an order of magnitude greater with Clinton. The sad thing is that Hillary ran interference, as per accounts from numerous women that Bill molested, in the guise of trying to quiet, intimidate, or ridicule them.

    What is truly pathetic is that those good people on the left are NOW offended by the disgusting words of Trump when they couldn’t be roused to care about actual horrible acts against women by Bill… with Hillary’s assistance in the coverup in order to hold on to power. We were told that it didn’t matter what Bill did in his private life. Evidently the private lives of his female targets getting such “unwanted attention” didn’t matter. To paraphrase our friend Dave Dubya, “It’s okay if you are a Democrat.”

    Somehow the claims from the millions of hypocrites on the left of being offended now by Trump’s vulgar words rings quite hollow accordingly.

    1. Now, now, TP. You are getting carried away again.

      You have no idea of the outrage from Democratic and independent men and women over Bill Clinton’s behavior.

      In fact, shame on you for suggesting our approval. You follow the pattern of the far Right and demonize without regard to truth.

      Bill was subjected to the Starr Chamber and was impeached.

      No way can you equate that with Trump bragging of criminal sexual assault with zero consequences. The creep even intruded into the Miss Teen USA dressing room!!!

      How credible is a sworn affidavit from Juanita?

      “During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family’s privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.”

      … Specifically, I do not have any information to offer regarding a nonconsensual or unwelcome sexual advance by Mr. Clinton, any discussion offer or provision of state or federal employment or advancement in exchange for sexual conduct, or any use of state troopers to procure women for sex. Requiring my testimony at a deposition in this matter would cause unwarranted attorney’s fees and costs, disruption to my life and constitute an invasion of my right to privacy. For these reasons, I have asked my attorney to advise Ms. Jones’s counsel that there is no truth to the rumors they are pursuing and to provide her counsel with this sworn affidavit.”

      This sworn statement is the opposite of “credible allegation of rape” by Juanita Broderick.

      I’m not defending Bill, just pointing to facts. When has any rape victim legally sworn she wasn’t raped? I call for the middle ground. It was consensual. If you can’t recognize that possibility you have a biased and tenuous grasp of reality.

      Are we to assume all women, or just Hillary, are not free to vent feelings to the “other woman”?

      You accuse her of “assistance in the cover-up”, attempting to criminalize her. Hillary was a victim of Bill’s cheating and perhaps your hate for her needs to blame her for being cheated on.

      And how would Hillary’s reaction to being cheated on be comparable to Trump’s sex crimes? These are the two we should be comparing.

      I mean, really. Why not go all “Alex Jones” and howl about the smell of sulfur on Hillary, Obama, and other ‘demons” who just happen to be Democrats?

      The crazed far Right LITERALLY has to demonize opponents. Demons, demons everywhere. How frickin’ medieval.

      And, obviously THAT is OK if you are a Republican.

      1. Dave, your twisting of facts and never ending moral equivalence in support of progressive causes and candidates is quite disturbing, my friend.

        The details you presented on Ms. Broaddrick are edited such that a NBC “journalist” would be proud of you. Here are the full accounts of the story by that bastion of conservative journalism known as NPR”

  2. TP,
    I’m afraid you’re “smelling the sulfur” now. You guys simply demonize by reflex.

    Your never ending “Blame Dave, Democrats and liberals” card has you accusing me of “twisting of the facts”. This nonsense was leveled at me AFTER you accused me of being “OK with sexual assault”. This is getting old. And reeks of Trumpism.

    You fail to cite one single “twisted fact”. Blame without evidence is a Trumpist tactic to the core old buddy. It is the most common attack tactic of the far Right. This liberal calls out the smears and fights back.

    And I have to wonder about your reading comprehension.

    Per your link:

    In an interview given to the right-wing website Breitbart, Broaddrick said that weeks after the alleged rape, she met Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser for Bill Clinton.

    Hillary Clinton allegedly thanked her for “everything you are doing in Bill’s campaign.” As Broaddrick tells it, she tried to leave the event but Hillary Clinton grabbed her arm and told her, “Do you understand everything you do?”

    Broaddrick took that as a threat that implied she should keep quiet.

    So. there’s no evidence Hillary had any idea that Broaddrick was actively pursuing Bill, or accusing him. Perhaps Broaddrick’s sense of guilt was the reason she “took that as a threat that implied she should keep quiet”.

    Again the “Trump in the room” is this; what the hell was Broaddrick doing at the fundraiser? As with her SWORN affidavit this FACT also suggests the real possibility of consent.

    I know this is not an arena of comfort for you. Conservatives have a problem with ambiguity, and usually confirm their bias instead of investigating evidence. Look it up if you doubt me. Or look inward, if you care.

    Now you have two significant un-twisted facts.

    1. Her sworn affidavit denying the “rape”. Trump victims have given no such admission.

    2. “…she met Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser for Bill Clinton.” WTF!! Trump’s victims NEVER wanted to be around him again. And you blame Hillary for the confrontation!!

    At this point I must either accept your apology, or refuse to go down your Trump Hole of false accusations, disregard for facts, and dereliction of reason.

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