That Debate Could Have
Been Worse

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

After the weekend Trump Campaign set-back due to the airing of Trump’s immature and pervy attitudes towards women, I was in cringe-mode over what fresh horror the actual debate would bring us. Trump seems to respond to challenges by slugging, and made an interesting mind game move of having a public sit down with former President Bill Clinton’s accusers re: sexual misconduct, as well as a victim of an assault whose perpetrator was defended by then-attorney Hillary Clinton. (I won’t go so far as some commenters regarding Bill Clinton’s accusers, except to say that in light of what Trump has revealed himself to be, to move to support him politically with their stories leaves a certain impression in my mind.) Was he trying to set up shop in Hillary Clinton’s head? Was this payback for the Alicia Machado lousy week he had? (Which was his own damn dumb fault for not being able to leave anything alone.) Who knows?

And yet, this debate was barely a hair more cringe-inciting than the first debate.

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