The Upside of
Trump’s Latest Vulgarity

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

The substance of Trump’s just-revealed 2005 paean to groping is so appalling that no commentary I could offer would really contribute anything. Its concrete effect on the political landscape, however, may have a positive side.

For some time I’ve been concerned that when Trump lost, large numbers of Trumpanzees would refuse to recognize the result, claiming the election was rigged or stolen in some way.

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One thought on “The Upside of
Trump’s Latest Vulgarity”

  1. Trump is a boorish fool and his past words have only further condemned him. I feel no sorrow for him; only for our nation.

    That said, his grotesque behavior was just words.

    Everyone seems to forget that Bill Clinton was a serial molester of women and even had a credible accusation of rape against him by Juanita Broderick. And through it all, Hillary badgered, bullied, and attacked those “bimbo eruptions” against her dear husband in order for them to hold onto power.

    I guess her new campaign rhetoric of “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported”, must not apply to Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Elizabeth Gracen, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky and the untold others that were loyal Democrats with nothing to gain that claimed that her husband groped, molested, or attacked them. She did everything she could to discredit and quiet them. Irony, thy name is Hillary.

    At least she has a plan to restore America though, right? God help us all!

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