Bruce, Why Did You Leave the Ministry?

found online by Raymond


Bruce and Polly Gerencser, Sweetheart Banquet, 1985     [Image from The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser]

From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

I have been accused of having secrets, the “real” reasons for why I left the ministry and later walked away from Jesus. “Surely, there must be secret sin in Bruce’s life,” Evangelical detectives say. Yet, try as they might, they have been unable to ferret out any “sin.” No criminal behavior. No financial impropriety. No sexual peccadilloes. None of the things that typically drive men from the ministry. I was far from perfect, but people will search in vain to find evidence for the behaviors mentioned above.

I left the ministry because I no longer thought that what I did mattered. I was tired of Sunday morning Christianity. The passivity and indifference found in the lives of most congregants forced me to ask, “why bother?” I realized that no matter how hard I worked, people were people. I suspect I had expectations that were too high. So, after I made a halfhearted effort to pastor again, I decided, I am done. Time to use my talents elsewhere.

Several dear pastor friends tried to bait me with job offers, financial aid, etc., hoping the fiery preacher Bruce Gerencser would spring back to life. My refusal to accept their offers left them befuddled. “What has happened to Bruce?” People continue to ask this question today.

Former colleagues in the ministry and church members forgot one important thing: Polly. You see, I was “done, ” but Polly was really, really, really done. For twenty-five years, she had lived with a husband who was never home. She was mother to six children, and was her preacher husband’s go-fer. When I told her that I was done pastoring churches, she let out a sigh of relief.

Polly’s church experiences were far different from mine.

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One thought on “Bruce, Why Did You Leave the Ministry?”

  1. Evolution is an individual process as well as it is for a species. It is not natural selection but a volitional growth of conscience and consciousness. Rational and compassionate people may evolve through their religion. Others desire only the comfort of conformity within a like-minded community. They leave the thinking to their clergy.

    Now they are in a cult. These are the more authoritarian personalities.

    When their church leaders decide Republicans are a “Christian Party” and the US is a “Christian nation” the danger grows. Fanatics then decide Democrats and others are agents of the devil. Never minding the fact they have become politically allied with the very “servants of mammon”, liars and deceivers they were warned about in scripture.

    Without conscience and consciousness, faith becomes a dark path, enabling authoritarian leaders and even suicide cults. They become dupes of the most greedy and vile leaders within business and government.

    “By their fruits ye shall know them.” The fetid fruits of American evangelical fundamentalism are ignorance, bigotry and Trumpism.

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