The Most Interesting Loony Lies
About the 2020 Election

found online by Raymond


Strategy Behind The Lies: Mail-In Voting     [Image from Roland S. Martin]

From The Propaganda Professor:

If you thought the Republicans were going to be decent and civil human beings about losing the 2020 presidential election, you really haven’t been paying attention for the past 4 years — or even the past 40 years. Smelling defeat in the water, they started laying the groundwork for a heist well in advance of the election, questioning its honesty and fairness long before anyone ever cast a ballot. And as soon as the voting got underway, they swarmed the battleground states with a plague of lawyers willing to whore themselves.

The bombardment of false claims, disinformation and tin hat conspiracy theories has been relentless. Consequently, many of the faithful flock are unswervingly convinced (“I know for a fact”, says one clueless MAGA cultist to a reporter’s microphone) that their guy was cheated, that the election was stolen, and that any day now it’s going to be magically overturned. This in spite of the fact that all of the lies they’re being fed have been ripped to shreds, and the lawsuits have been consistently laughed out of court– often by Republican judges. In fact, the Supreme Court, which the White House Occupant rushed to stack before the election for the express purpose of trying to subvert the election outcome, has declined to soil its hands.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel boasted that she had 500 sworn affidavits from 11,000 witnesses to fraud. It turns out that these “witnesses” were reporting things like a poll worker giving them a funny look. One “witness” to “fraud” said she saw a couple of vans pull up to the polling station, and since they couldn’t have been big enough to deliver food for all the election workers, they must have been there to assist with ballot tampering. There was another report about a suspicious little wagon loaded with electronic equipment — obviously something to interfere with voting machines, right? Except it turned out to be a journalist’s gear.

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