538 Gets In On That Sweet, Sweet Both Siderist Action

found online by Raymond


Trump supporters protest in Washington DC against ‘voter fraud’     [Image from Sky News]

From driftglass:

Here’s the headline.

Americans Were Primed To Believe The Current Onslaught Of Disinformation

“Americans”. Heh.

And here’s the first paragraph.

It started with a drizzle but quickly turned into a downpour: Disinformation about the election, and in particular unfounded claims of election fraud, has flooded the internet over the past week. And Americans were primed to believe it.

“Americans”. There’s that word again.

And yet, drop down another paragraph or two and you’ll find that the author obviously knows damn well that it’s not “Americans”.

It’s “Republicans”.

But thanks of the same suffocating journalistic cowardice that has all but killed off the press, the author would rather gargle rat poison than say it right out, plain and clear.

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