Trump Fans Literally Squeal as President Departs Florida Early Voting

found online by Raymond


Donald Trump Votes Early     [Image from CBS4 – Indianapolis]

From Tommy Christopher:

In a scene reminiscent of The Beatles’ British Invasion, supporters of President Donald Trump literally squealed as they caught a glimpse of him departing an early voting site in Florida — then loudly jeered the White House press corps that trailed him.

Supporters lined up hours ahead of time to catch a glimpse of Trump when he went to cast his vote at a West Palm Beach, Florida early voting location. Trump spoke briefly with reporters after casting his ballot, telling them “It was a very secure vote, much more secure than when you send in a ballot, I can tell you that,” a reference to his false claims about mail-in voting.

He got some laughs when he said “I voted for a guy named Trump,” getting some laughs from the crowd before departing for his next rally.

As it happens, Russia Today’s Ruptly had a live feed set up outside for the duration, and caught the intense reaction as Trump drove past supporters following his vote.

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