Brexit and Exit

found online by Raymond


200,000 march for Scottish Independence      [Image from Adam Wilson on Unsplash]

From Vincent at A Wayfarer’s Notes:

Where We Stand

In the last few years, we were offered two referendums. The Scots were invited to vote for independence from the UK. The whole UK were invited to vote for independence from the European Union. In each case, politics being what it is, they were offered a choice of which falsehoods to plump for. No thought was apparently given to huge constitutional issues. The voters were certainly not told what these were. Even the politicians hadn’t thought them through. Four years later they still haven’t been resolved, because no solution has been found, nor ever will, that isn’t damaging.

Needless to say, I have no remedy to suggest, only a humble opinion, that in our system here, the unelected House of Lords, supported by the unelected Civil Service, under the unelected monarch, can supply enough expertise, wisdom and impartiality to keep the country running in our global emergency.

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