The Electoral College Game – Crowning the Winner

found online by Raymond


Pro-Slavery Origins of the Electoral College

From Ned Lips at The Moderate Voice:

The Presidential election is NOT normal. It is a game, with rules, played on a big board that is the United States and it is about winning points on that Board. It is not about winning the national popular vote, and I know it’s weird, but it’s the law and that will NOT change.

If the candidates want to win, and they know this as well as anyone, they know they have to play the game. In this game, as is the case in many games, most of the spaces on the Board are already decided and therefor are simply irrelevant. They are going to go one way or the other, just as they have for a long time.

IGNORE national polls. They DO NOT matter, and are, quite frankly, harmful.

If you live in or near Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin, get out and do whatever you can to promote your candidate, get more of your party to register to vote, get any IDs they need, and then vote any way they can, as early and as often as permitted.

If the Dems swing the three northern States, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, which they lost by ridiculously tiny margins in 2016, THEY WILL WIN no matter what happens in Ohio and Florida, so both parties must show up in these states.

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