American Carnage

found online by Raymond


Police Blocking Protestors, Washington. DC Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

From Deborah Long at The Moderate Voice:

“Donald Trump is the arsonist fireman; he sets the fire and then grabs a hose to claim that he put it out.” – Steve Schmidt, August, 2020

On January 20, 2017 Donald Trump said these words in his Inaugural Speech: “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now…We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world…. At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America.”

20,000 lies later, Americans might be able to un-cross their fingers in November and finally utter the words: “The Donald has left the building”. But he’s not gone yet. He still has time to realize his boyhood dream of world domination…his personalized version of Hitler Lite.

When Donald Trump’s play, “American Carnage” began, we were in the audience and saw his benevolent efforts to seek friendship and goodwill with a couple of nations of the world – namely the dictatorships of Russia and North Korea. And we sat with our hands folded as he declared his allegiance to Vladimir Putin, Mohammed bin Salman, and Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an. But, in order to fulfill the centerpiece of his inaugural promise – to defeat American Carnage – Trump had to actually create it first.

And create it, he did. He manufactured hate and violence with his support for white supremacy and his MS-13 rhetoric. He stripped America of a functioning judiciary and a functioning congress, so that all branches of government eventually had to come to him. And he set literal fires in large urban cities to encourage rioting so that he can pretend to extinguish the blazes he had created with his own rhetoric. His final act will be to establish the justification for declaring martial law so that his own Praetorian Guard can whip America back into shape the old-fashioned way.

And we are now back in our seats for the final act.

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