Oh Brave New World That Has Such Centrists In It

found online by Raymond


Charlie Sykes Does Podcast

From driftglass:

If you were to listen to Friday’s podcast from Never Trump world headquarters (you really, really shouldn’t) you might be excited but confused to learn that Bulwark founder Charlie Sykes and Bulwark editor-at-large Bill Kristol have pooled their mighty predictive powers in order to peer into the mists of the not-too-distant future and declare that they perceive the emergence of a New Vital Ideological Center!

Which shouldn’t surprise anyone since the Conservative Brain Caste has made a cottage industry out of predicting the imminent arrival of a new Sensible Center and/or Conservative Renaissance every few months for a several decades now. Hell, just a couple of years ago, Mr. David Brooks of The New York Times confidently predicted that the field marshal of the coming Conservative golden age would be the same shitbag who wrote “Liberal Fascism” —

— so honestly, I barely bother to keep score anymore.

However today is a little different because today the leaders of Never Trump HQ have so perfectly fulfilled my two-bit prediction of what tactics they would use to weasel out of accountability for the evil that they have done I felt duty bound to bring it to your attention.

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