It’s Almost Funny Until
Someone is Killed

found online by Raymond


Accused Murderer, alleged would-be assassin, in one of several previous appearances on Fox News

From Strangely Blogged:

So, you take a guy who is just weirdly litigious for absurd right-wing/misogynous causes, like being against Ladies’ Nights at bars and clubs. Huh. Seems merely eccentric and meninist. Such a person seems pretty human-interest-y, right? But now this same person is suspected of targeting the family of a judge, killing her son and injuring her husband. and also seems to have thousands of pages of hate that he has written about. Keeping in mind the carnage of Eliot Rodger and other MRA-affiliated killers, it seems pretty likely that misogyny was a big part of his intention to kill, and it no longer seems funny or eccentric.

Fox News had Mr. Den Hollander on occasionally, which isn’t a surprise, because the entire network is pretty antifeminist. Which you can kind of tell not just because of the programing, but because of the rape culture it has pretty much always been a big enabler of. Like, Roger Ailes–mad sexual harassment. Or Bill O’Reilly. Insane sexual harassment. Or just everyday sexual harassment. Or Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson-related sexual harassment with Ed Henry being a rapist. It’s just always a part of the FOX culture, apparently. And it looks as if promoting a view that women are a suspect class of potential feminazis of delinquent values might result in violence against them.

But conservatives in real life mirror these stupid, dangerous, anti-women values, as well. So Ted Yoho calls AOC a “fucking bitch”.

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