Singing vs. Free Speech?

found online by Raymond


Nearer My God To Thee

From Nan’s Notebook:

It’s just off the top of my head, you understand, but I tend to think singing in church is a WHOLE lot different than the “right to free speech.”

Anyone agree with me?

I recently read about some church leaders that don’t …

Churches Sue California Governor for Banning Singing in Church

Yup! Three EVANGELICAL church leaders are very unhappy with Governor Newsom because they contend his closure ban violates their First Amendment rights and that it’s an “unprecedented attack” on the freedom of worship. In their view, singing and praying aloud as a body of Christ is a biblical mandate.

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3 thoughts on “Singing vs. Free Speech?”

    1. Aside from a few entertaining minor dissents, it seems most of your readers agree with you.

      There are limits to free speech. Among forms of constitutionally non-protected speech are slander, advocacy of violence or murder, and endangering the health of others during a pandemic.

      Christians ought not to be in favor of any of those three. On the other hand, they should also be against depriving little children of life-saving medical treatment, but that doesn’t seem to stop some of them:

  1. I wonder what sort of symptoms and death rate a disease would need to have before people in the US would act responsibly and actually accept restrictions for the sake of public health.

    Anyway, this piece did not address one of the suit’s claims:

    “Newsom refused to place the same restrictions on protesters and explained ‘we have a Constitution, we have a right to free speech,’ and further stated that ‘we are all dealing with a moment in our nation‘s history that is profound and pronounced…. Do what you think is best.”

    In their view, the law is inconsistently applied, which is a valid concern and may suggest that some political considerations are in play, which may in turn call into question the justification for the law.

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