Kneeling Cops, Black Lives Matter, and How the UK Dissolved Into Lunacy

found online by Raymond

From Neil Bamforth at MadMikesAmerica:

A lot of young white people joined in their protests, seemingly oblivious to the fact that in the latest figures regarding deaths in police custody in Britain – 17 in all – only one was a black male. The rest were white. Most of the deaths seemed to have been related to drug abuse.

British black people have, for some time, had precisely the same opportunities as anyone else. Yet here we are, listening to them whinge on about how downtrodden they are.

Note: Readers should be prepared. Comments, so far, continue in the same tone. They focus on the complete non-existence of racial discrimination in Great Britain, and assert that BLM in the United States, with some minor exceptions, is a marxist movement dominated by ranting terrorists, at whose feet police are forced to kneel.

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Burr’s response at MadMikesAmerica:

Here in the United States, I have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, it is a relief to discover from these comments that a few supporters of BLM are not terrorists, since those supporters include 2/3 of the American public, according to reliable polling.

On the other hand, it is discouraging to discover from Mr. Bamforth that an overwhelming majority of my fellow citizens have suddenly become avowed Marxists.

I have no direct knowledge of predominant attitudes of the British public. I have thoughtlessly been influenced by my loved one, who glances through British news publications on line, publications that I have neglected. She reads to me a few of the comments by readers. They seem less inhibited in their racial comments than some folks in the states.

As you can imagine, I am now reassured by Neil’s report that “British black people have, for some time, had precisely the same opportunities as anyone else.”

Precisely, he reports.

I confess to a bit of trans-Atlantic envy. In my country such a high degree of precision has been an unattained dream since the founding.

It is unfortunate that Britain’s precisely equal black people, as a racial group, are so unreasonable. As Neil explains it, “Yet here we are, listening to them whinge on about how downtrodden they are.”

Such lack of gratitude is … well … ungrateful.