Wild in the Streets

found online by Raymond


Klamath Falls, Oregon

From Hart Williams at The Moderate Voice:

Ah, a poll! Just the thing for a news story when you don’t have any news to report:

Mark Murray / NBC News: Poll: 80 percent of voters say things are out of control in the U.S. — WASHINGTON — Eight out of 10 voters believe that things are out of control in the United States, with majorities still concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, pessimistic about the economy returning to normal before next year and down on President Donald Trump’s ability to unite the nation.…

Yes. The train is off the rails, but I wonder if people actually realize just how far that actually is.

Here’s another quote from NBC news from the past 24 hours, and it OUGHT to scare hell out of you:

They said they came with shotguns, rifles and pistols to protect their downtown businesses from outsiders. They had heard that antifa, paid by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, were being bused in from neighboring cities, hellbent on razing their idyllic town.

That’s the NBC news story about the “Black Lives Matter” protest in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

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