A Rigid Mind

found online by Raymond


President Trump Pointing To the Metrics He Uses in Making Decisions

From Infidel753:

Trump’s response to covid-19 has seemed bizarre because it’s so obviously contrary to self-interest. He repeatedly says it will just disappear, perhaps by magic, though common sense would tell him it’s unwise to go on record predicting something so unlikely. He keeps pushing “re-opening” and deprecating precautions, in hopes of reviving the economy, though common sense would tell him that a hugely increased death toll (caused largely by the course of action he urged) would hurt his re-election chances more than the recession would. He ignores and rejects expert advice, though common sense would tell him that it’s of practical use in navigating the crisis which will now define his presidency.

It’s actually a huge missed opportunity. Before covid-19 came along, Trump was already suffering from low approval ratings, a highly-motivated opposition, and the disdain of most of the population outside his own blind cult following. If he had handled the pandemic well — as much as Cuomo has in New York, for example — he could have redeemed himself, won widespread acclaim, and probably guaranteed his own re-election, even a landslide. Why didn’t he see this?

It’s not a matter of pandering to the Trumpanzees and Republican politicians who are downplaying the crisis. It’s they who have followed his lead in doing so, not vice-versa.

This looks to me like something more bizarre and alarming than his standard selfishness and greed.

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