Brutal: CNN’s Don Lemon Softly, Gently, Gives Donald Trump a Beating

found online by Raymond

What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?

Transcript published by Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire.

One thought on “Brutal: CNN’s Don Lemon Softly, Gently, Gives Donald Trump a Beating”

  1. Strong statement. Strong delivery. Too bad it’s just preaching to the choir. “Right Wing Sport” Fan reactions to this pretty straight forward, unambiguous statement ranged from intentionally obtuse, unironic whining about media bias to intentionally misconstruing this statement as a personal attack on the First Lady. You know. The same “Right Wing Sport” Fans that don’t care about media bias when it reinforces their own (Fox, OAN). The same “Right Wing Sport” Fans that at best didn’t bat an eye and at worst participated in vicious and racist name calling of our previous First Lady.

    But, again. Preaching to the choir. It’d be stronger if the came from someone a little more “respected” by the “Right Wing”. More of a Joseph Welch moment. Unfortunately, a generation or more of Republicans devouring themselves into purity with ‘RINO’ as a common insult has pretty much ensured such a moment will never come to pass. McCain and Romney, two previous Republican nominees for the highest office are decried and attacked. I fear, short of someone with the name Trump coming out to express this sentiment, Don Lemon could have used this time more effectively. Unfortunately. It was powerful. But power doesn’t make it effective.

    Look at our current President.

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