Democratic Party’s Iowa Debacle: Party Failed to Declare Winner After Voting

found online by Raymond


Iowa Caucus 2020

From Joe Gandelman Editor-In-Chief of The Moderate Voice:

The word being used now to describe the Iowa caucus vote — where, in the end, problems with a new app meant the evening ended with no winner announced — is “chaos.”

Or a kind of “show” proceeded by another word that we don’t often use on The Moderate Voice because we largely adhere to old-fashioned newspaper standards.

At the least, the Democratic Party ended the evening with a bad image that just screamed out “Inept/”

At a little more than least, the Democratic Party will now get lots of publicity as late night comedians, comedians in comedy clubs and Donald Trump can create all kinds of one liners.

At the worst, the question becomes: what is the impact of no winners being announced and the candidates immediately scrambling to get on their planes to New Hampshire for the next big vote? The fact that no one lost and no one has to pull out of the contests because of a hideous showing means Iowa failed it’s most basic test. The fact that it was an app that didn’t work right signifies a lack of quality control.

The fact that an app was used in a vote that isn’t a monster vote is also puzzling: it’s sort of like someone developing an app that with the touch of your phone will flush your toilet.

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