God Is Behind It: In Texas Rape Is Real But Don’t Dare Talk About It

found online by Raymond


Great State of Texas

From Michael John Scott at MadMikesAmerica:

Ask most any Christian and they will tell you that America is a Christian nation, governed not by a sensible, secular body of individuals duly elected, but by God himself. Former senator Rick Santorum went so far as to passionately dispute the existence of the separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution, dismissing it as a Communist idea that has no place in America.

The Christian takeover, particularly under the uncertain hand of Donald Trump, said to be a ‘god on earth’ by the wacko wing of the Bible Bangers, the Evangelicals, is an insidious invasion of common sense, and the planned dismantling and destruction of all things science, as science is said to be antithetical to the God myth. In addition, the puritanical stream of consciousness prohibits all language that reflects science, or, in the extreme, language that might refer to the human body and that most awful of evil: sex.

Leading the charge against secular learning is the Lone Star State. There are certain words that apparently insult God and his gang of mythological creatures and, in Texas, ‘rape’ is one of them.

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