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Attack on Pearl Harbor

From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

A Presidency That Will Live in Infamy!

The event was termed a “day of infamy” by our visionary then-president Frnklin Roosevelt. Much has changed since then. In 1941, the country was solidly Democratic in the House, Senate, presidency, and in most state legislatures. The nation believed in its leaders with good reason. Labor unions had mushroomed into being, providing our laborers with a strong vehicle to negotiate higher wages and fairer pay standards, which would soon usher in an unprecedented era of worldwide prosperity. Our current president, Donald Trump, was not even born yet. It was a problematic era, and no nirvana by any stretch. However, the thought that we would someday elect a defiant, immature, ignorant,spoiled-rotten little brat to the presidency was nowhere in the public psyche, and no one alive back then could have predicted such a horrible thing. My, how low our standards have fallen!

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