Eleven Things for Political Junkies to Be Thankful For

found online by Raymond


Political Humor

From Jonathan Bernstein:

Our current politics may be miserable. But there’s plenty of comic relief if you know where to look.

It’s been a miserable year for politics, really. Impeachment? There’s nothing fun in that. Still, those of us who follow this stuff all the time do find some amusement in it, and I like to compile a list of what political junkies have to be thankful for. In other words: Sure, things are terrible, but at least we can have a two-day story about whether the hero dog is a boy or a girl. Ready?

Stupid joke Twitter accounts. I’m afraid this one is losing steam, as politics Twitter itself has become a lot less fun than it used to be. But it was good to see that Representative Jim Jordan’s poor abandoned jacket has its own account.

All those presidential candidates. Seth Masket counts 44 people who have so far done candidate-like things this cycle. And that’s just the Democrats! A field of that size leaves plenty of room for the kind of goofy contenders who — assuming they don’t actually come close to winning — provide a little comic relief. This cycle, forget about the vanity campaign of Marianne Williamson, and enjoy the thoroughly unmemorable members of the House who somehow thought they could win.

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