50 Foot Woman – Hannah Williams & The Affirmations

Music I happen to like
– Aria


Hannah Williams & The Affirmations

Jay-Z is the most popular rap artist ever. Everybody who matters loves the way he moves rap into and out of accompanying music. Which actually means, I guess, that I love the way he makes the music part of the rap. He moves rhythm and rhyme into words from the heart that just happen to rhyme. That’s art.

That’s what made Jay-Z into JAY-Z.

So when he introduced Hannah Williams to the world, and did it as part of his musical apology to Beyoncé, it was worth waiting for her own work.

Hannah Williams & The Affirmations are a British band with music described as retro-rock or retro-soul or rock or soul. I hear more than a touch of gospel, but maybe I’m just possessed.

I just like what I hear.

Want to see the words?

I can’t find them. We just have to listen, I guess.
Worth it, don’t ya think?